Who wants to go bowling?


Those are pretty sick.

I opened this thread thinking it was gonna be a legit Shift bowling get together which Id be down for. I havent bowled in years and keep wanting to do it again.

Well, lets turn it into a shift bowling meet…

Maybe some weekend in October? Im pretty much booked solid until the 14th though.

Let’s put some money on it!

Im not betting on it because Im not that great. My high game was a 193 when I was in a league back in highschool.

I think mine is around the same

Fuck it, dude…

I would be down for that, I used to love bowling and haven’t been in a while, not a great bowler but I can get into the 150’s on a good day.

i challenge pjb for his mustang

declined. I suck at bowling almost as bad as my car sucks at not being broken

I’ll go bowling. For every pin that’s left standing after your turn, take a drink.

i dont leave em standing broski, but ill drink anyways!

Everyone’s a winner in drunk bowling

I tend to get better when I’m drunk, but I usually throw like a 130-140 sober so its prolly just luck.

never tried bowling drunk

pjb ya know what ive noticed… ive noticed things about you that have had me thinking about the secret to your pjbness…and i think i have finally cracked the PJB Code. my hypothesis is that your mind wont let you know what year it is. although your physiology matures, your mind tells you that you are in the same time frame for your whole life. you mentioned high school earlier in this thread and that did it for me…i had the final piece to the pjb puzzle. you always refer to the things you have done while you were a young pjb and things you did as a fit young teen. this might explain the facination you have with young ppl. you arent trying the see them naked, you are trying to be their friends…and the whole change thing that you so very much hate cant be overcome until your mind knows that it is 2011. once that happens, pjb will turn into paul and you will fix the stang and drive that damn truck off a cliff. you will then tell the ins. company that a deer ran out infront of you. u get paid. u buy a beamer. u run 10s in the stang. u get a woman. u win the lottery. u win at life. easy as that. now all we gotta do is hit you in the head hard enough or something like that, and u will be a changed man!

…ill send the bill, dont worry, your welcome.

                              -Lumberjack Jeff, PhD

Oh wow, that’s impressive work.

Dude Ive got a better chance of getting struck by lightning than getting with an attractive woman.

Pjb you are the BIGGEST debby downer evarrrr