who works full time and goes to night school...

I go full time to UB all 300 and 400 level classes and work two jobs that equal 40 hours… This has been the worst semester of my life. Two of my classes suck so bad I want to kill,

:lol: I didn’t know anyone actually took pharmacy tech classes. Dude I was a pharmacy tech when I was 16. “Pharmacy technician” classes are a scam. Save your money.

Mon: 9am-9pm
Wens: 9am-9pm
Fri: 9am-4pm

Tues: 5.30am-5pm
Thurs: 5.30am-5pm
Sat: 5am-1pm

19 credits and I’ll be done in May…Then on to my masters!

D’s just trying to find an easier to “fill his prescriptions” :wink:


i did when i was going to school

those of you doing this, are these for your masters degrees or other?

I got through college working nights and going nearly FT during the day. Yes it sucked.

i’m taking 14 credit hrs at ecc, 2 being night classes. I don’t work full time…But I do race snowmobiles professionally so between traveling to the other side of the country almost every week riding during the week, and trying to schedule flights home so I don’t miss class is pretty tough.

I’m going for civil engineering right now,but I may change down the road.


How badly did your grades suffer Doc? Did you have a shit poor quality of life during school? Hows your QOL now?

Because, Joe says that you’re an idiot for working through school, and surely work mad it nearly unpossible for you to do well in school.

i work full time and go to school full time at night., it really drains you come the weekend

Work 40hrs, school 4 nights a week 13 cr hours, and side jobs on weekends. I have been doing this for 3 years now.

lol, I need something. I wanna become certified. I was talking to this girl at a walgreens and when she was hired, walgreens took care of all that. Eventually I wanna become a full fledged Pharm D. But I am trying to ease back into school. Figured this would be a step in the right direction.

i will be taking night classes while going for my bachleors after i graduate

Skip the classes. Just get a job as a pharmacy tech. If there is a purpose for pursuing certification let your boss tell you and pay for it.

I worked full time (45-55hrs/wk) and went to school at night for 2 years, it sucks but is very do-able. I liked it better than going to school during the day and working full time around school, that really sucked.

40 hour weeks at work 3pm to 1130pm and I go to school full time during the day.


School = UB
Subject = ME
GPA = 3.0
Work = Paid school and cars off in full
(Ok, ok I owe $33 bucks on the vette :slight_smile: )

Life = Usually sucks, but hey I get to sleep in on Sundays if I don’t need to fix anything.

work everyday, 7 till usually 5.

own my own buisness.

School Monday through Thursday from 6-9

Live on my own 2.

Schedule sucks i dont think its really worth it. I dont recommend it.

In high school I had a full time job til midnight, plus a girlfriend. As a result I missed a shit load of school and a didn’t get to see my friends as much.

I had a part time job through undergrad which wasn’t a big deal. Now that part time job has turned into a full time job and I’m working on my master’s thesis. It’s tough but if you can figure out little ways to cut corners here and there you can get through it. The worst part is that because I work nights I can’t do as many social things, like see friends and go to GTGs, etc.