who works full time and goes to night school...

man does it suck , just do not have time to get everything done… who else wishes there where more hours in the day…

I never did that, but props for doing it.

:wave: Yeah tends to fill your days pretty quickly.

I only take 2 classes at a time. Tuesday and Wednesday night. What about you?

i did, and am going back starting in the summer. i am looking forward to it… it means less time at home being nagged.

if you don’t agree with that now… trust me, someday you will.

What are you taking this summer?

60hrs a week at work and 2 night classes here.

60 hrs a week at work , school tues, wed and thur, for 2 years none stop… all year around

i do year round too, its stupid not to. freakin associates would take 6 yrs, lol. what are you going for? healthcare administration here.

international bizzz…

i take three classes at a time. i want to kill most days.

the effed up thing is…i chose to do this. ooof.

When I was in nursing school my hours were horrible.

School from 8-2
work from 3-11


who cares… anything that gives me an excuse to not “share what i’m thinking, or my feelings”

work about 4 full days a week since i got stuck in online courses this semester :tdown:

got royally fucked in my transfer. now it’s just starting to smooth out

I did it for 4 years at RIT for my BS; now hopefully I will be starting it again this fall at UB.

I don’t necessarily work full time. But I work 3 different jobs, with an average of about 40 hours per week, than have 18 credit hours at UB on top of that.

I haven’t had a day to relax since early January. My schedule is completely scattered as well. If I don’t have classes aaallll day, then I work.


I can’t believe no one has called me out in here yet.

I took my masters classes with a group that all did this. I’ve never seen a more worn-down, overall exhausted bunch short of the ibankers that don’t do blow. Big props to all of you.

I was totally going to, but figured it not worthwhile. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are they all gainfully employed now?

I am going to be doing this soon. I know its going to suck but I cant live like this for the rest of my life.

OT, anyone know of any schools with Pharmacy Tech nite classes???

Nah, it takes them like 5 years to get the degree I got in 1