Who's been to Put-in-Bay?

it’s a small 2 person jet

we’re good… nothing but pilots are going. 3 are fighter jet pilots…should make for an interesting ride there.

interesting place, I’ve never heard if it before…

of the 128 resident, 99.22% are white according to wikipedia.

LOLZ* Real good time that was… I could make this go NWS with that pic of Peter…



was that the ballz out pic on the hotel floor?

yea…thats the one

Had an awesome time. The abnormally warm weather made me feel like i was on the ocean, not Lake Erie. Definently not as big of a dude-fest as i was expecting.

a piss/blood/semen/vaginal extract filled pool:


awesome dude:

the new T-rex

driving is for suckers:

404 NWS pic not working

looks like it was fun

oh yeah that was the whos from buffalo/ sack of potatos picture

Spencer decided to stay an extra week.

ZING! :drama2:


where are the cool jet pics???



I am in for a last part of summer bash.

Would anyone be intrested in shooting around the idea for the end of the month? 3 bedroom 8 person house is 600 for the weekend or 1000 for the week.

My dad has gone the last few years. He loves the place and always tells me to go. He goes to just get drunk for a few days. I plan on hitting it up next summer. Oh, and they have the worlds longest bar which is always a plus.

Ya I think anything more than af ew days would be over kill but I was debating taking off Friday and Monday and then going for a longer weekend of just getting hammered.

sure beats the $300/night i was paying for a hotel room.

Also, they are very stringent about open containers… my buddy got an open container ticket…200 bones.