who's bike did i beat tonight?

man you guys are too fast for my liking :ohnoes:

ill stick to pickin on white honda hatches ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh

:word: haha, thats funny…

good runs boys :tup:


i think jeeves does a 150 whack


its only a 125 :wink:

i realize you have over 500hp and all that. do you run low tens? or was it a slowish bike?


i realize you have over 500hp and all that. do you run low tens? or was it a slowish bike?


Never had my car to the track. Its def not low 10s. It should be good for high 10s low 11s if i can get it out of the hole. What it is capable of and what i can drive it to are two seperate things, so i really don’t want to bench race my car.

I seriously know nothing about bikes. It was a smaller bike and looked newer, the guy downshifted next to me, so i know he was being serious. When i let off is was somewhere behind me, no clue where though.

all modern 600s are CAPABLE of mid to high 10’s even my 2000 ninja ran low 11’s… so :tup: to a fast car


lol @ people suddenly realizing jeeves is quick.


:lol: seriously, hes the fastest car out on most nights, but apparently the triple black look keeps him off everyones radar

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:47,topic:31391"”]

:lol: seriously, hes the fastest car out on most nights, but apparently the triple black look keeps him off everyones radar




So your gonna man up and get a LS1?


pfft id rather eat dirt :biglaugh:


pfft id rather eat dirt :biglaugh:


psh all smallblocks suck

Nice kill!!! I love how everyone thinks that bikes can not be beat…lol!!!

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:47,topic:31391"”]

:lol: seriously, hes the fastest car out on most nights, but apparently the triple black look keeps him off everyones radar


This just made me :lol:


psh all smallblocks suck


lol coming from a kid that owns one hahah :poke:


pfft id rather eat dirt :biglaugh:


how about ls1s dust? i heard u eat alot of it inb4udriveacheerleadercar


This just made me :lol:


which part? that he is one of the fastest cars out or that no one notices him because you cant see it? Im hoping you mean the 2nd

ill run you on my r6. i think the guy didnt downshift to the right gear, thinking you werent that fast


ill run you on my r6. i think the guy didnt downshift to the right gear, thinking you werent that fast


because who the fuck are you and what do you know about me or my car?


What shot? lol



If it was a silver and blue R6, I pulled him a couple days ago by about 3 busses… no nitrous. I think I only hit like 130 at most though.



with a good rider on the bike, you’d need about 4-500hp to out roll a 600. If you have any less power than that, and you outrolled a 600, then something is wrong with that bike, or that rider.


After getting rid of your garbage math… why does Choda pull bikes? he has less HP than Jeeves and a slushbox…

I’m pulling R6s like its my job and make probably 1/2 of what jeeves makes and I’m running an automatic…

You need to get your head out of your ass, and onto youtube… look at bikes getting pulled by everything.

Leaving the S&R Cruise tonight, an S10 pulled a bike on Williams…


After getting rid of your garbage math…


what the fOck is wrong with my math?

oh, my, god…at some of these responses…

some of you guys put bikes on the pedistal. only pussy goes on the pedistal