Whos Got A Mother Fuc*ing Class 3 Hitch?

On their truck that wants to tow my car down to niagra on sunday? My friend cant do it and bing is offering me (which i will offer to you) free food and shit. I’ll pay gas there and back and give you the free food bing was gonna give me if you’ll tow my slut, i have a trailer with a 7pin plug.

If you want to lend your truck to one of my buddies to drive that you trust that is always an option as well if you’re driving your 240etc but why do i get the feeling not many people here would want to do that? :stuck_out_tongue:

I honestly hope someone helps you… I really want to see that car there


ok, i offered to cover sasha’s buffet myself if he was able to park that pretty car of his out front. if he is willing to pass it on to someone else that is fine by me.

i am sure that alot of people would like to see this car and discuss it with the owner.


Why not just let someone else drive it there…Sasha can sit shotgun so he can make sure no funny business.

Seems a lot easier than trailering the thing there.

I would like to drive it.

If that’s not too much trouble :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry that my hitch is ghey.
Plus I doubt my pathfinder is the safest thing to use, it would take 20 mins to get up to highway speed, and god forbid I have to stop quickly, cuz the brakes barely stop its own weight.

if you DO need a driver for
a) a truck
b) your car

let me know… OH SHIT… may 15th… nevermind.

Sorry bro. :oops:

ill drive if i can see

whats the combined weight of the trailer and your car?

Hey Sasha:

  1. Why cant someone else drive it with a 10 day?

  2. Contact Paul or Karl from NHR see if you can use the Astro or the Durango.

  3. :o



Hahahahahaha :lol:


Hahaha, i considered it.


marc i’ll cover your eats too…lol

CAA Gold it here on saturday, and we can try and use my CCA gold to get it back to TO.

sorta just like last year…lol

hahah could be done except my car doen’st even fit on the fucking flat bed. So no one on these forums has a class 3 hitch?

The problem with getting insurance is as soon as i activate it htey look at myr ecord - see that its suspensded, and cancel me. My sticker also ran out so I would need to get an emissions done i think my emissions is 2 years old now cause when i bought the car it was an older emissions that I used.

Marc car looks good big guy

get someone else to put the tempy on it as if they are buying the car and having it cert nad e-tested this week

u only have a few more hours to do that before the weekend btw.

The Licensing place is open saturday mornings also though isnt it?

Yeah in a lot of places it is. Like at SQ1 where the convoy is meeting hahaha.

haha u guys dont undrestand its being towed.

so whos gonna tow it?? :frowning:

Like I said, I’ll drive it.

hahaha j/k dude.