Whos got a Power FC??

Hey guys,
I was just had a question for the Power FC users on here. Do you tune with the commander? Or is there some PC software and cable as an option? I’m just asking because I might buy a Power FC but it comes without a Commander. Thanks!

PFCs without a commander will reqiure a certified tuning shop (with the
software) to tune it for you.

Honestly you should get one with the commander.

D-Jetro or non ?


hey Vic I’ve got one for sale for an S14. It comes with the commander and the map sensors (its the d-jetro map version)

Impossible to tune yourself without commander.

Not impossible to tune without commander…but does require some more bucks.

FC-Datalogit has an intercept box that works like Apexi Power Tuner software…it can be bought for about $400usd.

Also, in hte new future Apexi is releasing Pro software of their own that will allow a user full access to tune (without the commander). I seen advertising for $249usd.

That being said, I would strongly suggest getting the commander. It is very handy, not only for quick tuning, but it monitors most engine sensors and all of that data is at your touch.

Thanks for the info guys. I wonder how much I can get a Commander for, but the actual unit I can get for a really good price so i’m still concidering it, since it’s been pulled from a clip. Sorry spilner I can’t afford your unit, but thanks for the offer.

I have one but its a bit fucked up so I bought another one should be here in a few weeks.There could be a possibilty that the new one might come with a comander so I will have an extra one.

Can anyone tell me if this serial is for the Zenki S14 Power FC of the Kouki?

PFC Sr203 97-0020

It’s funny because I called ApexI head office in Cali and they could not ref the serial number lmao. Also didn’t sound like he knew what the differnce was between zenki and kouki, they might wana work on thier support heh.

That doesn’t look like a Power FC part number.

I’m not sure how the serial numbers work.

yeah its weird, here is a pic of the ecu plug tho, can anyone tell me if this is zenki or kouki s14? Spilner does your FC plug look like this one?



kouki is 2/3 the length

Weird, someone told me it’s a Kouki becuase it has 97 00 in the serial and that the plug looks like thier kouki ecu. I’m confused now lol. I think i’ll just go take my ecu out and see how it looks to be sure, thanks for the help tho!

my Kouki ECU has 4 little guide bars at the bottom and then 4 more at the top, where yours has 2 on the bottom and some wierd different stuff going on with the plug on the top side.

Doesn’t look like Kouki Vic.

PS: Quick release hub works MINT!! I love it.

96-99 S14 SR20DET : 414-N016

That should be the number of the unit/ecu.

Well turns out my ecu plug is different from this one so this one must be for a kouki since I have a zenki S14 SR.

Mine actually looks like this…Accept not Tomei :roll:


Thanks for the input anyways guys! And i’m glad you like the hub Theo :wink:

Sorry man, didn’t even think it was an SR… woops.

It IS a Kouki. I compared it to my car and its the same plug.