
I just don’t see people that can afford it actually desiring the service, for whatever reason. I don’t know, forget it.

But the cigarettes and dutchies thing would be quite lucrative, any idea when this is going to take place?

what the fuck is a dutchie?

I thought about it for a minute and i could see myself ordering some munchies at some point. You know if you are watching the game and want some chips and dip or just don’t feel like getting off your ass to run to the store for a candy bar. Sounds aiiiiiight to me. Good luck with the business.(BDR LT1)

I applied to Wharton for my MBA :smiley:

its like a philly blunt, but except of shitty tasting paper on the outside its a 1 piece leaf wrapped from top to bottom.

they don’t deliver to the dessert FGGT!

we were planning on ordering here at work as a goof, but the hours dont mesh well…

Did you get it?

you mean a dutch?


fuck. actually they probably DO deliver DESSERT.

they do not, however, deliver to the DESERT.

ah, fuck. I Fail.

That’s the :frowning: part of this story.


On the :slight_smile: side of things, most students have to apply multiple times before getting in. I didn’t even score an interview though. T_T

Why is that kid still here.

Because people don’t get banned just for having nothing to offer. Unfortunately that has done a good job of driving away the non-retards who actually have an automotive interest. But that’s a different conversation. :sigh:

The financial status of drug users notwithstanding, I don’t believe that the market is large enough to support making this business successful. Nor do I believe that people are going to be cognisant enough while under the influence of drugs to grab a candy delivery menu. Thirdly, anyone I know that is a “professional user” (read: pothead with a job and money) generally have a fully stocked kitchen.

^ yep, until they have a party then its empty.

WHo, 66impala?

I feel sorry for the pot head who gets high and tries to remember the name of the website.


boredom during the morning.