
Check it out …

Im REALLY surprised that Jay (BDR LT1) has not posted this yet …

it’s him and one of his friends new bizz …

and they are doing pretty damn good from what i hear and read …

I want cigarettes delivered.

but at reservation prices

I want Pad Thai

beer delivery would rule

ST. Anky beer Co.

I could see that ending in almost the exact same way that Super Troopers did. And :tup: for post/avatar correlation.

is that the one that has a flyer that says “cigarettes and dutchies coming soon”

you got it

how far do they deliver

fucking lol


IDK looks dumb to me. Good luck

um yea this isnt gonna work at all, I hope hes just doing this for fun.

not to mention, you’re aiming business at drug users, who are likely to rob the delivery guy.

also most potheads are pretty broke and cant afford 1 candy bar at the corner store, let alone being forced to buy $10 worth of food to satisfy the munchy cravings.

100000 reasons why this wont work, but tell him GL!

you hang out with some pretty shitty people if they can’t afford $10.

Do you live in a ghetto?

did I say me? I said generally. hippie culture isnt some big secret in case you weren’t aware.

so you were wrong and still not cool :tup:

OMG did you graduate from Wharton?

he’s def gotta get rid of that SS lol

shitty and broke ppl dont only live in the hood. dont stereotype

its amazing, a concept of a professional drug sub culture, you know PROFESSIONALS that use, that have money…

I still stand by my point, your really must hang out with some shitty people.

candy bar delivery was aimed at rich people then?


Wow, so in your world, there is only rich or poor, nothing in between…

Fuck most college kids that smoke can afford a $10 delivery of candy.

there are tons and tons of cokeheads that are high up in the business word.


and these are the kind of people who like this kind of shit.