Why are you into cars?

cager? Anyhow you are a newb so i don’t expect you to know but i am pretty sure that my car would give you a good run. But lets not get too off topic in the thread if you want to discuss it further pm me.

newb wants a cookie!

Cars don’t laugh at my small penis like the girls do.

Fry - you put this thread in GA… I’m not cleaning it up for you. :stuck_out_tongue:


along with a daily stress outlet. Even when I stand around the car in pieces and wonder why I waste my time/money/effort, I realise it’s being in the garage and wrenching that relaxes me and takes my mind off the daily BS.

You are a cager and I am a rice burner, crotch rocket, insert name here, etc. I wasn’t mocking you. Be proud of what you are.


cars are one of the best forms of expression. Everything from the motor displacement, to the mods, to the body, are all expressions of who you are. Plus its a great way to meet and chill with people. Cars keep me out of trouble. If i wasnt busy doing things, spending money on cars, i would still be into drugs and doing other dumb ass shit.

Im a big fan of people doing whatever makes them happy as long as is doesnt intervene with daily life. Plus i think its fun to strech the limits every now and again speed wise.

Lately ive become a big fan of peoples creativity, and i am most impressed by stuff that makes good power thats unexpected.

Stock vette running 12.80 or 11.80 or whatever model you have
is not as impressive as a 12.50 civic or dsm etc.

Cause drugs are too expensive

Whats done to the Rover? :slight_smile:

I’d have to say it was since…my uncle owned a chop shop?..J/K My uncle owned a garage and my dad owned a towing company.

Everyone in my family is very hands on. My grandpa built houses, my other uncle is a carpenter, other uncle is an electrician.

I bought car’s and fixed them…it made me money when I first got into it, and now its more or less for the rush.

I’ve always liked cars…then when I was old enough to drive I had to learn how to fix em and became addicted. That and growing up with Choda/Jack and always workin on shit with them and their dad.

My first couple cars were pieces of shit. My friends always had better cars and were always working on something. I don’t know if it was peer pressure or not. I guess to a degree it was. I wanted something that wasn’t all rusted to shit and that didn’t leak fluids everywhere!

Yeah thats kinda the same boat I’m in. Now if I can just get it running right lmfao. At least it doesnt leak anything.

i honestly don’t know. my dad sure as hell wasnt into cars at all, thats for sure. i guess all of my friends were into them when i was a kid and growing up, so I just kinda caught on and started learning how to do stuff on my own and everything. Cars frustrate me so much though, I honestly think that if I was not into cars then I would be a much happier and less stressed person. I just have to have the fastest and nicest looking car. its not even a bragging right sort of thing, I just enjoy the personal satisfaction of going knowing that all that work I did and all that money I spent means I’m at the top and everyone else has to try and catch up.

i’m not really sure, anymore

i hate hate hate it when my car is broken

i used to really like going fast in something badass looking

now i read consumer reports and think acura tsx’s are the best thing in the world

i guess i’m into cars because the alternative, not knowing a damn thing about them

would mean i’d be on the side of the road more frequently. and to me, that is one of the worst things in the entire world

lol this is a true statement.

when I got rid of my mustang and started driving my POS buick, my stress level went down considerably

but at the same time, it sucks not having something you care about tinkering with

when i just got out of high school i bought a civic and my friend convinced me to put an exhaust on it. it grew from there i sold that bought an lt1 T/A put all the bolt ons i could then i wanted more power so i bought my cobra. im just glad i kept movin forward w/ cars n not back.

Now you gotta just sell the Cobra and buy an F-Bod with an LS1 and you’re set lol.

I had it backwards for a while, making payments on a somewhat reliable performance vehicle that could only be driven 6 months out of they year, and then have a $1000 clunker for winter. I have found that the key is, to have a nice reliable daily driver (make payments if need be) and have an older less expensive “toy” that way you can work on it and such when you have the time and money, because if the toy is apart and your $1000 DD breaks, and u have no money to fix the DD cuz you’re dumping money into the toy and making payments on it, then you’re kinda screwed.

:rofl: i think not lol