Why do people think they are so tough???

Get em kramer get em!

cant waittt to make a video either tonight or tomorrow. rap video is gonna have to wait.

Are you guys ripping the videos off of facebook before he takes them down? There has to be a Mozilla plugin for that.

i linked his latest one on my FB wall

when we were high school…

he would sit with us sometimes at lunch.

Me and all my friends would try to get him to rap by saying he was sick etc…well, he would bust a rap, trying to go as fast as he could, rhyming with shit that didnt make sense and we would all just burst out laughing at him.

Sad thing is, he thought we were serious and actually thought we were thinking he was good. Maybe if we told him how dumb he was in high school I could have prevented this…

ya cant fix retards… just laugh at them.

:lol so true! :rofl :rofl :rofl

:rofl^ so this kid always had an inflated ego when he was actually tarded…

i think his lack of understanding of his own circumstance may actually qualify as retarded?

When I was in HS I was the rockstar kid of the bunch. I was just such a badass I got along with everyone and nobody EVER had a problem with me.

I call BS you were probably Steven Glansberg’ing it every day at lunch.

i got arrested my freshman year for supplying and consuming alcoholic beverages during my lunch period.

True story. :lol

Heres what he just posted as his Status on facebook…

Al HaSan lookin sexy like always i love it got my eye brows waxed out nice hair is on point new clothes wow i love my life

LOL Waxed eyebrows? Are you fucking kidding me?

kids a prince. hes keepin it hellafly like always. he can’t wait for this weekend either.

just leave the kid alone. maybe thats what hes looking to get out of life.

:rofl…he is one insecure SOB haha

wait… did he really say he waxed his shit? yep going to have to say he’s now a retarded HOMO … not just a plain old RE RE.

Waxing > Shaving > Trimming > Nothing

you now fall under homo list too.

Dude forgot one: laser

My girl makes me shave the goods. If I don’t, she won’t. And I can’t stand a hairy beaver so.