Why do you hate Nader?


Could someone explain to me why it’s only it’s only red and blue, and the focus is just strictly on two choices? (Obama, McCain, or I’m not voting at all)

This isn’t particular to Nader, just any candidates in any other party besides the big two. I can’t really recall anyone even mentioning them in any context/discussion. Is everyone in 99.9% disagreement with all of their policies. Are they incapable of having any ideas that anyone would think is vaguely good?




Yeah, how about Bob Barr?

unfortunately, not only the politicians but a LARGE majority of the citizens in this country are as partisan as they come. If the people that ONLY vote republican or ONLY vote democrat gave enough of a shit to NOT vote for either party, it would send a very clear message to the government.

However, people are stupid and/or don’t care enough to give a shit…

i like nader actually. in a perfect world his policies would work, but we need a bit of an iron fist to not get killed, ya know?

two party system sucks.

Because he cost Al Gore the presidency in 2000.
And still keeps on running.

Oh, and the fucking 55MPH national speed limit.

Nader is a douche.

eh, I’m sure his followers had nothing to do with it (the people that supported him, but didn’t go out and vote)

but yeah, I’m not a green party fan either

Nader obviously had no chance of being a viable national candidate.
If he wanted to make a statement, he could have ran in the 35 states that always go one way or the other, and weren’t competitive.
Instead, he focused on swing states. Particularly Florida. Nader received 97,000 votes that were to the LEFT of Gore in a state that officially Bush won by 537 in the election, then one vote in the supreme court. Now a lot of those voters are disaffected with the 2 party system, but even 1% would have been enough to tilt the election and change this last 8 years of suck.

Fuck Nader.

^wrd. i voted for nader in the '04 election because I knew nys always goes democrat and fund allocation is based on party registration and voter turnout (i’m reg’d dcrat though)

Nader specifically… because he’s the epitome of the giant douche.

3rd parties in general… because they cater to a fringe political movement that would heavily biased it’s policies toward a small minority of the citizens while negatively affecting the vast majority of citizens.


If the Green Party wants to be taken seriously it needs to work on its lower positions first.

Get more local State seats then work thier way to congressional seats first, maybe a Governor or two.

They are a highschool team trying to make it in the pros.

JayS, did you ever think that possible most citizen’s beliefs are formed directly by their parties platform?

Take the republican party for example. When George W. Bush ran the first time it was on the strict policy of nonintervention in foreign affairs and no nation building, no matter the circumstances. The second time he ran it was on the opposite platform and he won again. Of course you can argue that the citizen’s that voted for him changed their minds too, but I highly doubt they did it on their own accord. They adapted their beliefs to the parties platform.

So if that type of systematic control does exist, than how could a third party ever actually break through and become mainstream?

Also, the idea that they all have heavily biased policies that only benefit the leading minority is a little bit arrogant don’t you think? Sure there are examples of that, but to say that everyone does is just ridiculous.

In my opinion, based on party platforms, almost any of the third parties would be better than the two main ones (both centralist) that are currently destroying this countries basic principles and way of life.

-Not trying to argue, just start discussion.

Rich Nader… hes a good dude. I dont hate him at all.

I can’t say that I disagree

I don’t vote for them because they don’t participate in the televised debates


Did you see in '04 when two of the third party candidates attempted to participate in the presidential debate and were arrested for setting foot on the property?

You would think that we are in a third world communist nation.

I will link a fox news video where Ron Paul owned at a debate and cell phone poll and Sean Hannity totally dismisses it.
It’s a total joke, he also laughs at Ron.

Nope, I think you’ve got it backwards. The two major parties form their positions based on the people they represent. In your example, Bush and his change in foreign policy, American sentiment changed considerably post 9/11 and that had a direct impact on official foreign policy.

Ok, back it up then. Show me a 3rd party that would have the best interest of the majority of the country in mind, and explain how.

Green party? Nope. It would be great for the group that thinks global warming is our biggest problem (a small group) but poor for anyone who wants to work for a living (a large group).

Libertarians? Nope. Minimal regulation right now certainly isn’t what the country wants or needs.

Constitution Party. Nope again. Ah yes, excise taxes. If we could return to the days of colonial economics where “global” meant you traded grain with a farmer more than 30 miles away maybe, but the world is a very small place now.

I’ll throw a wacky idea out there for you though. Lets get rid of all party affiliation completely. No democrat, no republican, no 3rd party… just representation. Now here’s the catch. When you go to vote you’re presented a little quiz about each race asking you basic questions about where the candidate stands. For those you get right (like the presidential race, and maybe your local senate race), you get to vote. For those you get wrong, like the other 80+% of the ballot, you’re simply not allowed to vote in those races.

The reason we have parties is because people will never be involved enough politically to know the stance of every person running for office. They pick a party based on that parties general stance on issues and vote mostly along that party line hoping that they have selected a candidate that aligns with their view.

Which makes sense because quite frankly your views are that very fringe that 3rd parties generally support. I mean no disrespect, but you’ve admitted you think the country is heading for a collapse it will never recover from. The “buy silver because you’ll be able to trade it for chickens and grain” mentality that seems to forget this country recovered from the depression, the crash of 87, the Oct 97 crash and the tech stock crash. And these are just the major crashes, not even looking at all at the 30 bear markets the Dow has seen.

We will recover from this crash, with a two party system no less, just as we have with all the ones in the past.