why do YOU love John Donavan? (TURBOCIV)

i love john donavan because he 1. comes to my apt at 1 am on a saturday to help me with my megasquirt and 2. because he takes time out of his busy schedule of trouble shooting his e36 to cut and weld shitty exhaust for my shitty honda!



now share why you love him!

who is john donavan?

…because he drives one sexxxay bmw

I dont love him because he made his turbo manifold for a t3 and not a t4 :frowning:

i thought you were selling ms

he is a sexy bitch

because he yells and makes me look happy. :slight_smile:

john donavan’s right and left arms are exactly 150 ft/lb tq and 125 ft/lbs tq, respectively.

john donavan’s powers recharge by the south gate plaza lights

the only weakness of john donavan (much like superman and kryptonite) is jay “BREETIME”'s shetzu

Because he works with me…:ohyeah:.

Because he wrapped up his dirty exhaust in plastic so it wouldn’t fuck up my leather and he loaded it in my car for me.

i love JD because i had to hold his hand with 513’s and 514’s for 3 months…

i love john because he is having my baby :slight_smile: and he lets me help clean his wheels!!

i hate john, he is a homo. Why even make a post about that pos.

On a more serious note because his smile is dreamy and without me would be still moving his 6.23 million lb furniture. Good guy and good friend. <3

he swallows.

Well John is a beautiful man, and has helped me out big time in the past with my old teg <3


I love John Donovan because he hated Derrick as much as I did. But he stayed. He’s a better man than I.

I love him more then all of u… I love him so much I named my first born son after him :thankyou:

thats so 1998.

I named myself after him.

like 2006