why i do not go out to the clubs in pgh

I call bar fights “therapy”…if you win. I feel so good after beating some ass sometimes. Getting kicked in the face sucks. Been there before, my teeth went like half way through my cheek. Glad you didn’t get arrested or anything, sometimes(most times) security are bitches.
I got kicked out of Tequila Willies last night for f*cking throwing glow sticks, how lame. I was having a good time to.

i got sucker punched in the side of the face…

your the girl that got hit?


especially if you read the first post it says that whiteys girlfriend is the one that got hit dumbass

jimmy’s dumass

but wouldnt that be you?



For the short time i’ve been here … that is definitly the first time i can say I totally agree with Darkstar … Well Said!

whitey… I’m usually no farther than 20 minutes from the city… I’ll keep a Lacoste shirt and some Dockers in my hatch… call me up and I’ll smack some people around.

Being off probation = win.

probably won’t go out to the clubs of pgh again, its just not worth it. I have to much going for me to fuck around with bar fights with tommy tough nuts. its a shame that most of pittsburgh is trash

People who look for trouble always get beat down.

/the guys who disrespect woman

what the fuck are you talking about?

As Im siiting here reading this I am wondering what yall think of me?

I am a big clubber!! I only go to a few select clubs because I only trust certain ones. I am always there open-close! Completely sober! I know how guys can get in the clubs which is why I am always on the stages…guys arent allowed to touch you up there. I go to dance, not to pick guys up or take anyone home.
Matrix is a place where Ive seen most fights. H2o, Ive only seen a few…over a girl of course. Im not a huge fan of Matrix, but Im good freinds with the dj so If I need anything theres always security at my back. Ive delt with some pretty drunken scum bags before, you just have to know how to approach that kind of situation. Any guy getting turned down for a simple dance by a very attractive woman is going to feel low, amagine how he feels with a few drinks in him in front of his friends…you cant tell me you wouldnt be pissed

I understand the girl that was hit was with a group of people, but the guy that hit her might not have suspected that she was “with” anyone. It was wrong for what he did 100% I would have done the same to him…but girls in a club need to realize that other guys are going to hit on them whether they are “with” someone or not. Im sure the girl that got hit was very attractive, and by all means being hit on should be takin as a compliment. Throwing your shoulder at a drunk guy trying to dance is only going to result in something stupid. 9 x’s out of 10 its the girls fault that guys get into fights over nothing. let him down slowly, all he wants to do is dance.

As for the Pgh being trash comment, in some ways I can agree, but in ways I can not. I will agree that If you didnt know me and you saw me in a club, you would probably think I was trash too…but in no way shape or form am I. Dont think that clubs are “trash” until you learn the club. If your not a clubber please dont judge on those who are. :slight_smile:

Sorry if I upset anyone…but I had to add my 2 cents



if a drunken asshole asks a woman who is with me, whether she’s my girlfriend or just a friend, and he starts shit over it, i’m breaking his jaw.

“club mentality” does not excuse any kind of behaviour.

never said it did…like I said, he deserved it. Why would he start shit? If shes taken and he doesnt back off then hes a lil too drunk to back off…but he doesnt need shit back, just walk away from it. Why let him ruin the whole night…