Why is signature "vendor" editing so selective?

If you are taller then Jeeters at Kennywood then you will get your sig back…

j/k I just need to move you in that group

this is great!
no more seeing a big list of every car a member has ever owned since they were 16, and if it was sold or wrecked, or repossessed, and how much HP it was, or who you think should be president, or whatever other dumb shit people think of… this is much better.


good thing that rule doesnt apply to me at kennywood ! !

ha no problem whitey whenever…i was just askin about to clarify things

This is a disservice to the numerous Pittspeeders who choose to display my wit in their signatures. I formally appeal this ruling, in the name of freedom.


i already like the new look

Citizens denied of Darkstar is a revolt in the making.

So what about getting a “member sponsorship” kind of thing created? I for instance have no business to sell on Pittspeed but I would donate annually if I got to have my sig, sort of like the Members Only section.

Also, what does it take to be affiliated with a sponsoring shop? I work at one every Saturday and provide them with pro bono legal work but I’m not legally an employee. I’m not trying to be a smartass, I’m just wondering if there’s any clarification or if it’s a “shop owner only” deal.

Igt’s not 1 person ruining it for everyone, thed rule should have been enforced. The admins decided to drastically alter the way of enforcement rather than dealing with theproblem. Now they don’t have to its done for them automatically.

Sigs or no sigs I don’t care just choose your rules and stick to them rather than (and im not saying any of this necessarily took place) letting someone slide for playing favorites.

Good job now it won’t matter :applause:

Paid Memberships = sigs? A couple other forums I’m on have it that way

I feel that my 1st amendment rights have been robbed of me.

Oh wait… this isn’t my website anyways.

Either way, I feel the need to voice my support of the “paid memberships can have sigs”

It would weed out all the “noobs with stock civics”… and it would be more of an incentive for non-paying members (like myself) to become paying members (don’t know why I haven’t already, so probably would).

Glad to see them go!
If the mods can’t keep a handle on it, or play favorites, then it dosen’t need to be here.

Good eye t70

They are gone for everyone now… Mods, Admins, Advertisers… The board is much better to look at without them. To tell you the truth I am not so passionate about pittspeed as I was in my younger years. I don’t have time to try and enforce every rule and police how people act. I expect people to act with maturity and police themselves. Kurt brought up a problem and I fixed it.

The site is great for meeting new people, selling goods, and the occasional conversation about cars.


Sounds like it’s time for another Darkstar for mod campaign. :kekegay:

NO sigs FTW!

Always a way around everything

It’s called you have a life now. New fiance, new house, getting married, furthering your career.


what is going on im lost