Why is signature "vendor" editing so selective?

Why is it I cannot have a word in my sig that says where something came from because they’re not a supporting vendor, yet other people can have LINKS in their sigs to sites that are not supporting vendors.

If there’s any bullshit between the board and the particular vendor in my sig (that I didn’t even link to) it seems BS that everyone tied to it gets singled out.

If you’re going to ban non-supporting vendors in sigs in ANY fashion, then change them all. Don’t be selective because someone has a grudge against something.

I read through 2 active posts last night and I’m pretty sure that some of the crap listed there are not supporting vendors.

I already have to watch posting my airbrush crap for fear it might piss some paying customer off, Can’t point anyone in any direction other than a supporting vendor, and I feel like it’s not worth trying to sell in the classifieds because, god forbid, it might be something that a supporting vendor would be selling.

If you are worried about getting your airbrushing deleted… why not just become a sponsor and support the site. You are on here a lot… you could make money, just become a sponsor.

Deleting sigs w/ non sponsors is a good idea… I wouldn’t be a sponsor if everyone can rep other non paying businesses in their sig. Im also not a Nazi about it either… hell Shaler posted a thread about how good North Hills Auto Body is… you don’t see me crying about it… but some things need edited out. It happens on a lot of forums. If we leave sigs go… then it hurts Whitey as a board owner and hurts the paying sponsors… so if you wanna rep a company… have them become a sponsor… if you want to rep your airbrushing then pay for the advertising!

edit- you also cannot see every single sig with a link in it, sometimes you don’t even think about editing it, other people just stick out… they edit them as they come across them. Also for the record, the mods cannot edit a sig… only admins.

T70 you should look into sponsorship man, airbrushing would be a hit, just think you 1st job from PITTspeed would probably cover the costs of sponsorship!

believe me, im a penny pincher, and i was a little reserved about paying to be here, but it has been worth it, each and every year.

I don’t airbrush for a living, I do it as a hobby in off hours.

Tell me how this:


Sticks out more than

I post once a day usually if that, the other person posts all day…seems to me like I was targeted for WHO was in my sig and just used that as an excuse.

I dont’ care either way, but if you’re going to have a policy on that then stick the fuck to it and wipe out all non supporting vendor sigs, don’t just take out the ones you have a grudge with because of some shit that I don’t even care to know about.

Mark hit the nail on the head. We do what we can when we can. If it wasn’t for the current sponsors this site would be long gone and thats why I feel it is important to support them.

Perhaps I will just look at removing sigs… Maybe that is the easier way to solve the problem.

What member sig are you talking about? I will take care of it immediately. And what grudge are you talking about?

Maybe it would be wise to have an official policy on this as well. Unless I missed it I’m not seeing anything in the rules that says signatures must adhere to a supporting vendor rule.

I used that one as an example, it’s not hard to find but I’m not going to point fingers and rat someone else out. I was looking around last night after mine was edited and saw there are a ton of sigs (maybem ore than 50% of the users) that have either links or references to non-supporting vendors.

I can understand the linking, we have that on other message boards…but just mentioning the name is a little on the Nazi side. It’s not my board tho.

I wasn’t saying anything about supporting them, I was simply saying that if you’re going to institute a policy like this, make it public and don’t be selective.


Number 7… pretty simple.

It is not as easy as you think. It’s hard to police a board with 250 active users with 200-400 posts occuring each day. You have been around here long enough that you could have brought these matters up directly to me instead of making this thread.

The Mods and the Admins do the best they can and try to be as fair as possible. I don’t think this thread needs to go any further. If you see a problem please report it to a mod and go down the avenues that are in place.


4 of us have no problem policing a board with 8000 active users, but I guess the rules are a little less vague and the 4 of us are pretty active all day:

No ads, spam, or affiliate code in the content of posts or signatures. This includes for-sale and wanted ads, and the advertising of vendors and websites. Vendors and websites may be referenced when relevant to the content of the thread, not for the purpose of publicity.
The only exception are sponsors who may link to their website in their signatures.

* Signature photos must be automobile related
* Nothing of bad taste, period
* The image must be UNDER 20K in file size, UNDER 301 pixels in width and UNDER 201 pixels in height
* Only one image per signature (a smiley is an image)
* It should be hosted on a reliable web server that allows off-site linking
* Only jpg and gif formats allowed
* Text in a sig must be under 4 lines as viewed on a 1280x1024 screen; please keep the text car related
* NO URLs OR LINKS are permitted in signatures other than sponsors and recognized  affiliates ; business links are NOT allowed! You may state the legal name of your business in your sig (only if it is CAR related), and you may link to it only in your profile's www field. Again, NO URLs or LINKS in the sig. (except as noted)
* No telephone numbers in sigs
* If you are unsure as how to use a signature, please see our "We've seen these before" section, and afterwards if you are still unsure of our signature policy, please go without one


whats so hard to understand about if there not a site sponsor dont put them in ur sig ?

My sig went bye bye :frowning:

So since I “obvously” can’t have an actual link to the website, or my email address anymore … Can I at least put the name “Keystone Diesel” back in there? … I have no point what so ever paying to advertise here, there are really only two of us on here that are into performance diesels … Myself and Caleb … and were both from the shop sooooooo

The only people that can have Sigs are Admins, Mods, and members from an advertising shop. I kind of like it, board seems cleaner and I don’t have to look at noobs stock hondas with steel wheels. Problem solved!

Problem solved.

Well WTF!!

Hey… im sure this isn’t the first time you have heard one person ruining it for everyone. Everyone bitches every time something gets moderated on this board… im tired of it and im sure Whitey is too. I kind of liked the regular sigs, but hey… what can you do? Certain people ruin it for everyone.

I know that Mark … Im not bitching directly at you … or Whitey. Im just simply bitching at the fact. I liked the regular sigs, but like you said … what can ya do!!

No sigs! Problem solved.

I could do without seeing a shitty 300x600pi mustang/civic pic every single time a user posts. It would be a treat, actually.

so i get mine back then ?

i’m just asking, not arguing

naaah, sorry, didn’t make the cut. :slight_smile:

damn it WTF !.. that is total bull shit


ha ha oh well shit happens

I’m kidding. Who knows!