NY speed FU line...


a big FU to all the people who drive 60 mph in the left lane… slower traffic to the right … mother F’erssss

I know it can work in the US , because whe I was living in south florida even the haiti’ons knew to stay out of the hammer lane… you could fly and get anywhere in no time… but know here in WNY all the slow F#cks, just cruse in the left lane… especial in the morning on the way to workkkk…

so FU, you slow assss left lane drivers…:shoot:


people will never learn until they get on the autobahn and have soccer mom mercedes wagons cruising at 130 and highbeaming/honking/flicking you off if you dont move over (even if youre doing 129). bottom line… get a susp. learn to weave @ 100