First, a live show. He will be doing an acoustic tour shortly, and Matthew Good concerts are the best…
And the awesome tits and ass rant (I urge you to watch this, he makes a few decent points):
First, a live show. He will be doing an acoustic tour shortly, and Matthew Good concerts are the best…
And the awesome tits and ass rant (I urge you to watch this, he makes a few decent points):
<3 Matthew Good. He wasn’t all right during that tour, though.
Carl we’ll go and chillz.
Matthew Good > all
Seen him both at a big show at Canada’s Wonderland, and at small shows, and his small shows are INCREDIBLE.
Acoustic tour will be AMAZING. I love his acoustic work.
When I listen to MGB, I still say to myself “wtf how is this so good?”
i’ve never heard of this guy! i am enjoying him so far.
parouse youtube.
Theres a shit ton of vids.
ignore the shitty vid, just enjoy the song
Strange Days > all y’all.
And for enery, I am a big fan of Alert Status Red. But then again, I have heard every Matt Good song ever made, and there is not one that I don’t like at all.
oh, and I hear Matt Good is a real asshole.