Why the screen name?

'91 240(sx)


you R a baker with a boyfriend named Ian??

Well i was about 7-8 year old… Playing the original Rainbow 6 online with my internet homeboys at the time.

Anyways Hacking/cheating wasnt to big when I was playing this but it did happen… Anyways I was pretty good at the game and whenever we went against another team theyd say I’d kill em and it was shady

Just kinda stuck from there

and I thought it sounded cool

Wayne - me
64SS - I used to have one.

It’s my first name.


Mine’s kinda tough to explain, it makes sense if youre russian

explain explain…

well, its three russian words that have been transliterated. if you were to see them written out in russian and googled it, it’d make even less sense. if you literally translate them as they are you get “here” “pancake” “oak”, seems like just three random words. theyre actually slang words that mean “what a goof”, not really directed at anyone in particular. also i tend to use one of those words in place of “damn” when i speak russian, so thats in there.

I will probably spell this wrong BUT cok de la !!! :ponderI use to have many Russian Friends and took the time to learn some russian BUT havent been around many Russian speaking people lately so thats all I remember.

you mean “kak dela”?

Yup I wasnt sure about the spelling but I see you know what I am saying.

had to say it in my head a few times a few different ways to catch it :slight_smile:

mine is is self- explanatory.

i like skanks :slight_smile:

you’re kool too in my book :tongue

skanks are pretty explanatory but if the FN stands for FUN then I got ya otherwise NaH

okay, okay. i see how it is

it is what it is my man.

a rebuttal is in order, i have nothing off the top of my head but in time this attack will be answered :lol

i will encourage your attacks. a good intranetz scuffle is fun.