why was this honda so slow?

shaweet! you mah boi!..the knob works and everything or did u just eliminate it

driver has alot to do with it… maybe he couldnt launch… new driver, or maybe he was a PR. :confused

I’ve got a 1.5L WITH Veeeeteekkk Yo!

and your car weighs like 10lbs…i could like pick it up and play with it


That race must have looked like some Fast and the Furious shit :rofl

when you raced the 1.6 was it was b16 and if it was i should slap the kid for being an awful driver if your car kept pace :idiots

Why were you racing in the rain anyways? :confused

I don’t get the point of this “street racing” thread anyways, stock, probably Civic Vx or Cx w/ a 1.5L, vs a stock old Nissan Sentra. WOOOOO EXCITING!!! who cares if it was slow, of course it’s going to be slow it’s a stock Civic :nuts :idiots

It’s slow because its a Civic… all of 'em are slow. Imports suck.

ok im sure when yours was ‘new’ to you and mostly stock im sure u raced a few people

dont think it was STOCK long enough to fuck wit people ,its still slow so whats it matter ;D :umm

also i thought it would be a pretty close race, im sure if u raced another k20 or something close to it you would be on here bragging about it

i didnt post this up to start an argument just to share a story chill bro

he was a good driver, has always driven standards and raced his shit all the time

I doubt it if you kept up

That’s what I like about these high school girls, man. I get older… they stay the same age. :giggedy

:umm Wrong thread.

ohhhhhhhhkayyyyyyyy? :ssh :wtf

My car was never stock…K20 was in it 2 days after I bought it…

:stfu ;D :asshole


K20 vs. K20 is more interesting anyways, and there would probably be a video not a random thread w/ a story…

and your car did not beat a B16 swap…sorry try again

When i first read that he claimed to beat a b16 i was dying… :lol