Why you all should stop crying, and take an econ class

move to nigeria and you won’t have to worry about it.

maybe you should get paid $.30/hr instead of your current salary, or are we just choosing the downsides to a free market economy as they suit our whims.

they can keep charging more as long as the market supports it, stop crying about it. people that whine about this are the same as the ninnies in the UAW that bankrupted the american auto industry… lotsa good it’s doing them now.

having only one electric, cable and telephone company availble makes it cheaper.

you can not compare the electric to oil companies,

Having one company saves you money, its not effiecient to have 30 companies run lines everywhere

if you want more electric companies, move to ontario, there are 150 companies in one providence, I bet there electric is uber cheap :roll2:

my point wasn’t about the price, it was about the number of companies serving the market place, learn to follow the conversation :roll2: