

just thought i’d put this out here for everyone.

1.) exxon and mobil stations are franchised.
2.) other companies would increase their prices to offset
3.) they all buy from the same sources
4.) exxonmobil is only a refiner, their raw material is crude oil. when crude is high, gas is high.
5.) the site creators suck at life. They need to be victims of point and laugh economics.

ugh, buy electric!

1.)this is not a new idea
2.)did AWrifter sign you up for his spam email list?
3.)do you honestly, SRSLY think this would work?
4.)Why don’t we all just not buy gas tomorrow?
5.)see thread about kid buying 100 oct “just to see what it does”
6.)what about the rest of mean old Big Oil?

I swear, you must just spend all day in front or a toasty warm CRT monitor watching the price of oil.

Shouldn’t you be busy selling pants or swords or pants with swords on them instead of posting this shit?

Why are you such a penis? Don’t you have a job?

no shit. someone was passing this around the office and i decided to put it up on here knowing everyone would complain and whine about it.

that reminds me, i need to bump the sword for sale thread! thanks :tup:

no, I’m posting from my laptop @ the welfare office. :frowning:


You too! I am in row 6 seat 14 :wave:

Why do people post things like “don’t you have a job” when they are online at the same time as you???

Did you give him that title it is quite fitting his posts hurt my head almost as bad as that diablo kids.

I think a better idea is to not buy gas on Fridays. That will bring down the price.


Seriously… OPEC limits how much is being outputted… less supply = higher prices. Not buying Exxon wont make them bring down the price.

Times like this where I wish there was a way to punch someone over the internet.

is this directed towards me?

Example of a thread I have started, that hurt you head?

people need to start driving more economical vehicles. its a simple case of supply and demand, duh.

keep dd’ing your gto’s and suvs, thanks for the high gas prices!

youre welcome :massmoon:

I sprayed out of the hole from the first red light leaving the gas station yesterday. I got my average MPG down to 0.2 for a second. I wish i would have had my camera phone out.

:lol: at grouping a GTO in with SUV’s. My GTO gets the same mileage as STI’s, EVOs and a close friend’s brand new M3.

Better ban any car that can go 0-60 in under 6 seconds.

Or better yet, just ban any car you can’t afford delivering pizza for a living.

It is an issue of demand though. But on an enthusiast car site I’d be careful about wishing for performance cars to be banned because of gas mileage.

A better idea would be allowing people so many gallons per year. I could drive my GTO and Expedition, both of which the wife and I have put less than 10k a year on, while the guy with a Prius that commutes 40 miles one way would probably run out of gas by the end of the year.

IE, you can reduce your consumption in ways other than driving a little POS gas miser.

^ I bet $5 that Jam enjoys his life more then you do.

I typically post when I’m on the shitter :slight_smile:

Tough bet to prove. I like my job and my life.

Lets check back in 30 years when I’m retired. :wink: