Why you don't let your cousin drive


Walter’s favorite person in the world makes money off of other people’s misfortunes. Why on earth would anybody argue ethics with such a person?


Who is that? Last I checked, Monica was a Legal Aid lawyer for 5 years, which I’m sure if far nobler anything your fat candy ass has ever done. Not to mention that she is on the board of the International Womens House, an organization dedicated to helping and protecting underprivileged foreign women that are victims of domestic abuse. Or that she regularly volunteers for numerous other organizations, or that we donate a large portion of our income to causes for the less fortunate. Or that she now specializes in child custody, protecting children from nit-wit parents. You are right, she is clearly trying to make money off other people’s misfortunes. God I can’t imagine of a stupider set of words to put in a sentence. You just made yourself look like such a fool, go fuck yourself you self-important cock sucker.

It’s fairly obvious that the statement followed a hypothetical person living outside their means. If it’s that much of a stretch to tie the two together…

No you dumb shit, go back and re-read your posts, you were making IGNORANT blanket statements without qualifying them. If you want me to follow your fairy tale train of thought then you have to TYPE IT OUT you clusterfuck, welcome to the internets.