Why you don't let your cousin drive


truth… i thought it was a fairly obvious where you where headed with your thought. Its not an investment if you cant afford to maintain it because you will never own it to make profit on said investment, thus why taking out however big a mortgage is useless if you are living beyond your means.


Actually many many people do it all the time live well beyond their means for 6 months then sell their property for a substantial gain. Its called the flip market.


You should do the internet a favor and die

When you race a car that expensive, you HAVE to be aware that if you wreck it, youre fucked…

Im sure he just went and bought another one…


Are you even reading my posts before you respond you fucking nitwit.


Walter’s favorite person in the world makes money off of other people’s misfortunes. Why on earth would anybody argue ethics with such a person?


Who is that? Last I checked, Monica was a Legal Aid lawyer for 5 years, which I’m sure if far nobler anything your fat candy ass has ever done. Not to mention that she is on the board of the International Womens House, an organization dedicated to helping and protecting underprivileged foreign women that are victims of domestic abuse. Or that she regularly volunteers for numerous other organizations, or that we donate a large portion of our income to causes for the less fortunate. Or that she now specializes in child custody, protecting children from nit-wit parents. You are right, she is clearly trying to make money off other people’s misfortunes. God I can’t imagine of a stupider set of words to put in a sentence. You just made yourself look like such a fool, go fuck yourself you self-important cock sucker.

It’s fairly obvious that the statement followed a hypothetical person living outside their means. If it’s that much of a stretch to tie the two together…

No you dumb shit, go back and re-read your posts, you were making IGNORANT blanket statements without qualifying them. If you want me to follow your fairy tale train of thought then you have to TYPE IT OUT you clusterfuck, welcome to the internets.


truth… i thought it was a fairly obvious where you where headed with your thought. Its not an investment if you cant afford to maintain it because you will never own it to make profit on said investment, thus why taking out however big a mortgage is useless if you are living beyond your means.


You can live beyond your means with a $200k house, placing an arbitrary value out there and saying anyone with a $500k mortgage must be living beyond their means is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Pull your head out of your ass.

There are plenty of people that live in Million dollar homes, have more money in the bank than Corey will ever dream of, and donate more on an annual basis than his dumb ass will manage to be able to collect in a 10 year period.

If all of you can over generalize, why can’t I? Fuckwits.

jesus christ will you shut up?

Your not better than anybody.

In fact, one could easily argue that you are pretty dumb to be sitting on a computer arguing over the internet…

And yes, she has achieved more than corey, but corey is 20. I think he has a long way to go…


If all of you can over generalize, why can’t I? Fuckwits.


You cant generalize because your generalizations are wrong. Get over yourself…


jesus christ will you shut up?

Your not better than anybody.

In fact, one could easily argue that you are pretty dumb to be sitting on a computer arguing over the internet…

And yes, she has achieved more than corey, but corey is 20. I think he has a long way to go…


At least I’m smart enough to know that it’s “you’re”:bloated:

Hopefully he’ll grow up one of these days and learn how not to make such an ass of himself in the future…


You cant generalize because your generalizations are wrong. Get over yourself…


Show me something that I said that was not accurate?:roll2:


At least I’m smart enough to know that it’s “you’re”:bloated:



just shut up. Nobody likes you.



just shut up. Nobody likes you.


Keep telling yourself that. Funny how I get nothing but whiney little kids trying to tell me that the plane won’t take off in threads like these. :cjerk:


Who is that? Last I checked, Monica was a Legal Aid lawyer for 5 years, which I’m sure if far nobler anything your fat candy ass has ever done. Not to mention that she is on the board of the International Womens House, an organization dedicated to helping and protecting underprivileged foreign women that are victims of domestic abuse. Or that she regularly volunteers for numerous other organizations, or that we donate a large portion of our income to causes for the less fortunate. Or that she now specializes in child custody, protecting children from nit-wit parents. You are right, she is clearly trying to make money off other people’s misfortunes. God I can’t imagine of a stupider set of words to put in a sentence. You just made yourself look like such a fool, go fuck yourself you self-important cock sucker.

No you dumb shit, go back and re-read your posts, you were making IGNORANT blanket statements without qualifying them. If you want me to follow your fairy tale train of thought then you have to TYPE IT OUT you clusterfuck, welcome to the internets.


The implications of feeling the need to justify her to me makes me wonder if you really do have a heart.

This is actually what I wanted.


You brought her into this argument without defining her or why she is credible. In fact it wasn’t explicitly stated that she was even your partner. Then you called somebody (me) a cock sucker (thanks) for making assumptions. This was followed by a tirade into why a person (me) is a retard since they didn’t explicitly state what they meant, and that is why the reply was based on an assumption (which, by and far, fit what you wanted it to mean and not what I actually meant).

And we both keep arguing, trying to prove a point that doesn’t exist because we weren’t talking about the same thing to begin with.


So I’m really happy we both did the same thing.

p.s. my fat candy ass doesn’t exist any longer. gone. away. stolen.


The implications of feeling the need to justify her to me makes me wonder if you really do have a heart.

This is actually what I wanted.


You brought her into this argument without defining her or why she is credible. In fact it wasn’t explicitly stated that she was even your partner. Then you called somebody (me) a cock sucker (thanks) for making assumptions. This was followed by a tirade into why a person (me) is a retard since they didn’t explicitly state what they meant, and that is why the reply was based on an assumption (which, by and far, fit what you wanted it to mean and not what I actually meant).

And we both keep arguing, trying to prove a point that doesn’t exist because we weren’t talking about the same thing to begin with.


So I’m really happy we both did the same thing.

p.s. my fat candy ass doesn’t exist any longer. gone. away. stolen.


Poetic? Actually you illiterate retard, YOU are the one that attacked HER. I didn’t bring her in to your chilidish argument. In a response to another members reply, I mentioned that Monica (yes, my partner) does high end divorces. I didn’t need to qualify it with (my XYZPDQ as to try and attach her to me, or try to use her to legitimize for my own argument. Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t comprehend that, and attacked her). YOU brought her in to this argument, not ME.

Just because you can’t handle the fact that many people work hard enough to both enjoy luxuries in life, but also give back to others, doesn’t mean you get to come in here on your white unicorn and act like a princess. The sad fact that you tried to attack the ethics of two people who have contributed more to society by accident than you have in your pathetic 20 year existence is just the icing on the cake.

And for the record, I could care less if your ass is fat, full of candy, or covered in horse semen.

Oh, and half-wit, I wouldn’t bother replying. You couldn’t put together a coherent thought, much less a provoking argument, so feel free to wave your pom poms around all you want. I’m sure the others will enjoy it.


What makes you the compass for proper English usage when you use comma splices in nearly every sentence you put together?

I think that picture is quite charming.

My point was made. Your persistent attempt to defend yourself is proof that you don’t get it, but are trying to figure out a way to feel better about not understanding. I’m not incoherent. You’re just dense.

My secondary argument wasn’t even about altruism. It was about putting oneself before one’s image.


or try to use her to legitimize for my own argument. Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t comprehend that, and attacked her). YOU brought her in to this argument, not ME.

(left for charming factor:


This makes no sense. You used her to legitimize your own argument? Is that what you mean? That’s not what you said.

You certainly did patronize her. :bloated:


Oh, and half-wit, I wouldn’t bother replying. You couldn’t put together a coherent thought, much less a provoking argument, so feel free to wave your pom poms around all you want. I’m sure the others will enjoy it.


Defeated much? This is paramount to a 5-year-old slamming the door shut when they didn’t get their cookie or they feel bad about doing something (patronizing their girlfriend) but don’t want to admit it to the world.


Defeated much? This is paramount to a 5-year-old slamming the door shut when they didn’t get their cookie or they feel bad about doing something (patronizing their girlfriend) but don’t want to admit it to the world.


Strange, didn’t you say you didn’t want to be on here anymore?

Thanks for completely and utterly turning this thread OT.



There’s a reason beyond “being able to afford it,” but you’re so smart that you just can’t get it.

And if your significant other is an attorney then I really don’t have to bother. That’s quite fitting.


Way to generalize :tup:


You cant generalize because your generalizations are wrong. Get over yourself…


Maybe you’re hate for this guy is clouding your vision, but there’s a lot of truth within his statements. No no, not maybe, it definately is.

Carl and Corey:

You’re not new to this and you have both dealt with Walter in the past. You really can’t be surprised by his response and continued activity in this thread. I thought at least one of you would have learned not to antagonize him. Guess I was wrong. :gotme: