Why you don't let your cousin drive

Yeah… If you live anywhere outside of Western NY a decent house is going to cost you easily $400,000 and I mean for a 3 bedroom 2400 sq foot house. Thats why i was questioning what you were saying. Now in Rochester if you spend $500,000 on a house you must have a 7 bedroom palace haha.


Car statement = yes

House statement = you are a retard.



Is it just because a big-house doesn’t lose it’s value the same way a car does?

And why is he a retard for his belief that buying a large, status symbol house, is a decision that will not make you happier?

I think Walter was saying that a home is an investment. The more you put into it the more you stand to gain. And since real estate in the long run almost never loses its not dumb to invest in an expensive house. But at the same time buying a small 200k house and putting the rest of the money into a mutual fund could also net the same results but i think i’d rather put it into real estate. Just my opinion though. And like I said before nowdays $500k isn’t really a huge amount to be investing in a home outside of Western NY. I bet if you ask Howie how much a 2 bedroom loft in downtown NYC would cost he’d agree with me.

People should invest time into themselves rather than McMansions and cars. Then there would be less disgruntled people like Walter. I had a good paragraph typed, but those that get what I mean aren’t parts of a machine. The rest are just working like they’re supposed to, evidently.

I get what you mean but I’m saying the #'s you used don’t really make much sense for the argument since the real estate market is growing to a point that 500k isn’t out of the ordinary anymore. I think we’re arguing the same point I’m just saying that the #'s you used make sense in certain areas and not others. I think people should always be happy with themselves, their home life, and their careers before trying to make themselves happy with possessions.

I’m sure if they own those cars, they can afford to fix them. If not, then they shouldn’t be doing stupid stuff or even own for that matter…

^^^a vast majority of the population cant afford having to take a month off work w/o going bankrupt

meaning a vast majoity of the population cant afford to wipe the side off the GT3 they own … or the cavalier / focus / f150 they own …

I’ll just live in my car.



Is it just because a big-house doesn’t lose it’s value the same way a car does?

And why is he a retard for his belief that buying a large, status symbol house, is a decision that will not make you happier?


A home is an investment, depending on where you live, $500k isn’t buying something flashy, nor out of the reach of many people. Just because your income doesn’t support it, doesn’t mean its irresponsible for others in any way.

A car is a luxury, a house is an investment. You can stand to waste more money buying a $150k house than a $500k house depending on what you buy, where you buy and the condition of the market.

Your overgeneralizations show that you are a jaded and ignorant person. Seems to me like you are more a member of the “machine” than I am… :roll2:


^^^a vast majority of the population cant afford having to take a month off work w/o going bankrupt

meaning a vast majoity of the population cant afford to wipe the side off the GT3 they own … or the cavalier / focus / f150 they own …


And those people are idiots, even if they drive Kias and live in a paid off $50,000 house.

Some people work hard, invest well, make smart financial decisions and are able to have $500k houses and GT3s without worrying about it.

The people that are keeping up with the Jones’s are morons, and there are plenty of them out there. Monica does high end divorces and sees it every day, but making a statement like “You shouldn’t own a $500,000 house” is just fucking stupid.

There’s a reason beyond “being able to afford it,” but you’re so smart that you just can’t get it.

And if your significant other is an attorney then I really don’t have to bother. That’s quite fitting.


There’s a reason beyond “being able to afford it,” but you’re so smart that you just can’t get it.

And if your significant other is an attorney then I really don’t have to bother. That’s quite fitting.



You have no point. Go back to your hole.

I think the point of you making it seem like a $500k house is some sort of mansion is the biggest issue. See this link to see why $500k doesn’t buy you anything special:



I think the point of you making it seem like a $500k house is some sort of mansion is the biggest issue. See this link to see why $500k doesn’t buy you anything special:


no fucking shit sherlock

But in this area, a $500k house is a big deal.


no fucking shit sherlock

But in this area, a $500k house is a big deal.


no fucking shit sherlock, but he didn’t say “in this area” did he


no fucking shit sherlock, but he didn’t say “in this area” did he


You should do the internet a favor and die

When you race a car that expensive, you HAVE to be aware that if you wreck it, youre fucked…

Im sure he just went and bought another one…


no fucking shit sherlock, but he didn’t say “in this area” did he


Exactly. In some areas you need to take out a $500k mortgage just to get a house. And he is saying that a $500k mortgage is stupid. It just doesn’t make sense.


Exactly. In some areas you need to take out a $500k mortgage just to get a house. And he is saying that a $500k mortgage is stupid. It just doesn’t make sense.


I didnt read the whole thread, I just jumped to the end

$500k mortgage is dumb, for the most part, unless you can afford it…

Walter’s favorite person in the world makes money off of other people’s misfortunes. Why on earth would anybody argue ethics with such a person?

It’s fairly obvious that the statement followed a hypothetical person living outside their means. If it’s that much of a stretch to tie the two together…


Walter’s favorite person in the world makes money off of other people’s misfortunes. Why on earth would anybody argue ethics with such a person?

It’s fairly obvious that the statement followed a hypothetical person living outside their means. If it’s that much of a stretch to tie the two together…


truth… i thought it was a fairly obvious where you where headed with your thought. Its not an investment if you cant afford to maintain it because you will never own it to make profit on said investment, thus why taking out however big a mortgage is useless if you are living beyond your means.