why you should wear a helmet

: warning it is pretty garphic


:eek: :puke: :puke: :puke: :eek:

Originally posted by slowcamaro
: warning it is pretty garphic


Ahhh that was gross

i put the warning there for you

Originally posted by 2FNFast
Ahhh that was gross

still want a bike

Originally posted by slowcamaro
still want a bike

:finger: ive rode a bike for yesrs i just sold my other one last year

damn thats about as bad as the pics boostjunkie showed me last night of some guy that ran into a back hoe, his brain was chillin in his lap. WHen i see pics like that its almost as if its fake. Its like something from friday the 13th movies. What gets me thou is that is a person, they had a life and everything and now they are no more than a dead body. no bikes for me!

:puke: :puke: :puke:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:eek: :puke: :puke: :puke: :eek:

Originally posted by snowhitegolf95

X4587 ill be sendin that to my old roomate that wants to get a bike eeeeeeeeeeewww that was nasty but yet i have to look at it again :eek: :eek: :eek:

everytime i look at the pics i get hungry yummmmmmmmmm…

i’ve seen worse in person.

too bad you can’t create the smell on a computer:D

Originally posted by Shaggy
i’ve seen worse in person.

too bad you can’t create the smell on a computer:D

train #3 pics aready shaggy!!!:mad:

i dont even know where my mother put them. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Shaggy
i dont even know where my mother put them. :rolleyes:
:bluez28: :bluez28: :bluez28:

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :zzz:


Meh… People live, people die. Its pretty gross, but try gutting a deer…