Always wear your helmet...

You never know when you’re REALLY going to need it.

i’m always in a happy mood…they you guys post this shit.

ouch… probably can’t even imagine the hurt :stuck_out_tongue:

that craps…

:eek: They might be pretty sore the next morning…

I’m always in a happy mood…then I read newman’s sig

I am sorry but I can’t stop laughing :lol:

Ouch, thats gotta hurt

man seeing that shit makes me cringe every time i see a vid like that bc i have all the gear but when we get rediculusly nice days i wear shorts and a t shirt and yes i am the idiot that flies up and down union on the all white bike but i can’t do wheelies so don;t ask me to … but vids like that make me sick that shit can happen so quick and theres nothing ya can do to prevent it but to be prepared b4 ya go down …



this is one of the reasons why im glad i cant afford a bike right now as much as i would love to have one…but it helps me avoid things that could maybe happen like that

I don’t ride a bike, nor will I ever…mainly because of the possiblity of things like this…

I don’t see anything funny about it, most of us here lost someone close to us in a bike accident, and I think we all know people who still ride.

To find things like that funny is pretty morbid.

In any event… That should all remind us, whether we’re driving a car, or riding a bike, to be safe this summer.

We don’t need to lose anyone else.

:withstupi not really seeing how it’s funny…

i agree with z24challenge I HAVE had a very close friend die on a bike just last year and my little bro rides one still …not funny!

wow that guy flopped around a lot

u know it, stay safe guys

yeah… it’s funny to me when people pull retarded moves

being careful :tup: