Wii game systems at toys r us

Rumor has it through an email at my work that there are Wii game systems at toys r us. I’m not sure which one, you would probably want to call ahead, but I know people were looking for them.

just a heads up:baby:


These are still that hard to get? Wow…I had no prob with mine.

kinda thread hijack, we got 3 at sears in the galleria


These are still that hard to get? Wow…I had no prob with mine.


I was thinking the same thing. I walked into Walmart one day and they had a bunch so I got one. The next day Target had a bunch too. I thought they had them stocked everywhere now.

im kinda with you guys too, but i know people were posting about them not too long ago…

i work at the sheridan/nf blvd location. we had some left yesterday. i work tomorrow 12-8 if we stil have any i’ll post back up. haha stealth where do you work that we are in your newsletters?

I have a new Wii for sale. Let me know if you want it, otherwise its going on eBay.

You are posting in 2 month old wii threads, just put up a FS: thread for your wii.