Wii Outsold PS3 2 - 1 This Holiday Season

No, but when people don’t see any advertisements, and they know there are almost none available, they don’t go to the stores looking for them. So if Gamespot gets a random PS3 in, but no one knows about it, it’s going to take a while to sell.

ummm you don’t think moms across the country look in the paper to see what stores have wiis? A woman during xmas shopping displays the informational gathering ability of a CIA agent

i have family that works for best buy… and i guess people have been returning ps3 and looking for wii’s… i dont know if there are any right now, but i guess daily there are ps3 floating around that are coming back… good to know if you are looking for one.

True but the wii is not just being purchased by kids. I doubt even the majority of people buying it are mainly for children. Everone i know who was a nintendo fan back in the day has been giddy of this thing. On top of that it is the first game mygirlfriend has actually wanted to play. The thing is a breakthrough and they tapped into all markets just like they said they would.

I’d be willing to be that over 60% of wii purchases are for someone under 18…

but my point is this…the PS3 isn’t supposed to compete w/ the wii. The wii should be in every household, the PS3 just wants to be in every PS2 and XBOX household instead of the 360

I agree with you 100% but i don’t think the ps3 is ever going to catch up to 360 sales either though.

That is a great way of explaining it

Not really, Sony takes a loss for every PS3 sold, while Nintendo makes a profit on every Wii sold. Nintendo could sell 1 Wii and Sony could sell a million PS3’s and Nintendo would’ve made more money on the console. The real numbers for Sony are in the games, which are going to be a hard sell when its not selling any of the consoles… Bad news all around for Sony.

They still can’t be compared though. Apples to oranges here. The ps3 isn’t even close to the immresive play of the wii and the wii can’t touch the graphics. PS3 just has to win over the people that want a powerful system. It seems that most of the people who wanted one got one with the 360, no need to spend the extra money when they are so close.


It woulden’t have mattered, the wii is targeted at everyone. The ps3 is trying to gain the people that bought 360s the sony fanboys don’t count cause well they are fanboys and would buy a hunk of dog poop with a sony logo on it. The xbox will stay on top. The wii will eventually outsell them both long after the demand for the ps3s has been met.

time will tell grasshopper

Were the price similar, I bet it’d be a different story. The high price for the PS3 has alot of people holding off on being early adoptors.

Plus I predict the novelty factor of the wii will wear off quickly and you’ll see the sales drop.

Everyone needs to stop claiming that its an apples to oranges comparison. We are comparing two consoles, not two completely different things. Are they marketed towards different audiences? Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t compare the two. You can compare a top of the line car to a bottom of the line one, just because they are marketed towards different people doesn’t mean you can’t compare the two.

Does the 360 have a game comparable to Gran Turismo 5, because I’m really not a sony fanboy, just a gran turismo fanboy.

Really, there are two game series I base my console purchase on.

Gran Turismo
Grand Theft Auto

Since the 360 eventually gets the GTA games (just much later than the Sony release) the lack of a GT5 replacement is all that is keeping me from buying a 360.

Waiting to see Forza 2 for the 360, but it MIGHT put up a good fight to Gran Turismo this time around. As for GTA… last I heard the next GTA will be available on the 360 before the PS3.

…and GTA has always been available for the PC as well…

The entire time nintendo has said they weren’t going for a powerful system yet that is the whole drive behind sony? 2 totally different ways about designing a game system. so with your point of thinking the little educational games systems that are made for teaching kids math with a joystick is in the same category as a ps3 too? no? Sounds like apples to oranges to me.

Yeah thats why I didn’t say profit, I knew Sony lost money but Nintendo made it.
However from a sales figure cost of unit x units sold Sony probably manhandled it.