Wii replacement straps



on wiihaveaproblem.com some guy hung a shitload of books and a jumbo bottle of laundry detergent from a door knob and it didn’t break. Some people are doing some wacky shit to their controllers.

However sharp plastic edges pwn small little straps. I blame Minglor. :stuck_out_tongue:

people who cannot keep the controller in their hands right should buy one of those controller gloves for $10, it should help a lot

i have been thinking of getting one cause mine gets kinda sweaty after a few rounds of boxing.

nintendo.com will send you replacements now.

ya I ordered 2 of them for shits

I got two for both of mine.

i got 4 cause im a dick

Stupid angular momentum.

Do what now?

<- Minglor

does anyone have a picture of what the new straps look like?

power glove > *


My brother-in-law works for a glove manufacturer and someone ordered 5000 of these, so he brought me a pair home…they don’t do shit. They are just gloves with the little dots on them that say Wii. If you’re swinging hard enough to break straps, you’ll still lose it with the glove.

But it will be softer when it hits your shit.



here is a test someone did with the wii strap

Yeah, if the glove comes off your hand with the remote…

I was talking about the slip on covers, they are like the ipod skins.