Will NYSpeed ever get fixed?

It’s a bag of dicks right now…

What up 502 Bad Gateway


This is turning into NYfailspeed.com for me. about 4 - 5 errors before being able to view/post/etc. Yippy! lol

Hope this change Sunday works.

As I said, I don’t think the issue you’re having is related to the larger server problems.

Well we’re on a new machine right now. So let us know how things are working.

So far so good for me. Much quicker! Seems like the transfer went well so far, good job. :slight_smile:

Just as bad as before for me.

Was great this morning, now it’s back to :iliketurtles: again

What errors / problems are you guys having specifically?

Extremely slow load times, equally as slow as before, and I’ve had one 504 bad gateway.

This is the fastest this site has loaded for me since 2007.

Shit is flying for me.

Great for me so far. :tup:

browsing is good for me…haven’t made to many posts this morning, though

It’s better now.

Never had an issue before. But I’ll be sure to report on todays experience.

Runs faster on IE but still kind of slow on firefox

Still really slow on first/front page loads.

I’m getting super slow loading speeds for any page. Worse when opening multiple tabs, and this usually isn’t a problem for me. Anything goin on today in the background?

Do you guys host this in someones basement on a 486 with a 56k modem?