Much better
So much better.
Now that it’s been a few days, everything working for you guys?
It’s kind of absurd how much better it is.
Let’s just say it better be absurdly better, lol.
Now on to other problems…
Running great here too. :tup:
Going to dial the time limit between searches back a little now?
Cruisin’ here too. :tup:
Much better, no longer makes me want to stab babies :tup:
I am so stoked that it has maintained stable accelerated speeds for several days now. Off to make it faster!!!
OH FYI, our new webserver:
Based on how it was running I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the old server.
So, I take it you’ll be taking donations soon to pay for this horsepower? LOL
What hardware are we running on now?
No donations, but we’re always looking for more vendors :tup:
We have more memory now and no we won’t be limiting search intervals. I hate that crap.
Still limited on search intervals, and search doesn’t seem to be working at all.
Search is working for me… are you searching for something like “R6”, I believe that we have some level of character limits on the server side.
I really hate that 3 letter search terms aren’t allowed. Pretty much impossible to search for the “all that is man” thread. That’s a rule on most forums though.
I have done some research into a new search solution, but I can not implement it until we are able to do our next round of upgrades and consolidation… That said hopefully we will have a new search product soon. I am still not sure about the 3 char searches but I am hopeful as it will be a cached search and not a full text database search.
Yea, mine are all 3 character stuff and it’s annoying.