Will Steelers Make Playoffs Poll


thank you kevin. heart you boooo

ITS THEY NOT ME/WE i dont play on the steelers my paycheck says weavertown towing and leasing. nope no steelers in that

haha…are you kidding me? people vote for certain parties because they stand behind their stands on issues that voters care about…in what way does that have to do with belonging to a football team that you like? christ, get a clue. and for the record i dont give a shit about polotics at all and dont support either side, but belonging to the steelers has nothing to do with polotics. what do the steelers stand for outside of football? do they have a stand on jobs, tax cuts etc? no, they dont. now, if u said that you agree with the things Swann is bringing to the table (outside of being a former steeler) then i see nothing wrong with that.

50/50 they definitely have the talent to win enough games to make the playoffs, but its gonna be one hell of a task. they had better straighten the fuck up and get things rolling real fast. one or two more losses and the playoffs will be a brief memory.

well put. the second half of the schedule is a lot easier. We still play Baltimore twice. If we win both of those games and the Ratfags drop a couple we’ll be in decent position to take the division. I dont think we can lose any more than one for the rest of the season though.

gotta have 10 wins, IMO

they have no chance…they pretty much have the hardest schedule in football…it would be a longshot. They pretty much will have to win the division and that isnt happening. San Diego or Denver will have one wildcard spot locked up and jacksonville will have the next barring they keep Gerrard in (which seems to be the case, jacksonville has a cake schedule)

Not this year, maybe a 20% chance at best

Can I change my vote to a “yes”? They looked awesome yesterday and will definately turn it around this year. :bigthumb: