Will this fit my laptop?


I have an R51 IBM laptop that still needs a hard drive and my question is will this fit mine by chance? And is 5400 rpm good or slow? Thanks!

yea and slower than 7200 but cheap and it works

how good would it be for internet n dl’ng music at the same time? I tend to run a few programs at once.

Obviously read/write access of a 7200rpm over a 5400rpm from each program to the drive would be better.

Upgrading the RAM would show a more noticable performance improvement…but from what I’ve gathered of your situation, you need a new hard drive before anything else.

Ya, i think the most logical thing to do is wait to get a HD that is 7200rpm, that way i will be happier n not kicking myself in the ass later down the road.:doh:

it doesn’t have to be IBM brand. It could be toshiba or maxtor, etc. Minimum standard size I would by now is 100GB if you plan on keeping that laptop for another 2-3 yrs. 60GB is cheaper and will get you up and running. It all depends how much you store on the hard drive and/or plan on downloading.

The majority of laptops still use 5400 rpm. My 5400 recently died and I upgraded to the 7200 and there are really only a couple good laptop 7200s on the market. I found them on newegg.

If money wasn’t a big concern and you wanted top of the line laptop performance this would interest you: http://www.laptoplogic.com/news/detail.php?id=921

Would have to be a pretty decent laptop to keep up though.

i think he is just tryn to repair his laptop jon…but that one does look nice

Whoops, thats not the link I meant to post. I was referring to the solid state hard drive. :wackit:

stay with 5400…your using a laptop…and your not doing much that would even require a faster HD

i don’t think you would notice a difference using a 5400 vs 7200 laptop for daily use. if you’re going to be dl’ing a bunch of stuff, try to stay at a minimum size of 100gb.

as someone else mentioned, if you’re looking for better performance at this point, replacing/upgrading the ram is probably your best bet.

So i would be good with a 60-80 gig HD then upgrade my Ram a lil? The laptop is pretty good, it is a 2004 model IBM R51.


i think i know a person or two that works for IBM :rolleyes: …
what is your RAM at now? what machine model number is it (should be on the tag on the bottom by the serial)… should be one of these: (Machine types 1829, 1830, 1831, 1836). or (Machine types 2883, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2894, 2495).

just give me your laptop and new drive and it’ll be a done deal…

sonny is the man

LOL,yes i know sonny. Well the model is a 2888 and i really have no clue of the ram on here since i bought it used for 200 bucks. I will hand it ove r when i get the HD but i don’t have an extra 100-150 laying around for a HD,lol.

Thanks Sonny!:grouphug:

lol… i understand! just let me know.

i’m guessing that you only have 256mb of ram (if it’s a base model 2888)but we can look at that if i ever get my hands on it…

watch best lie… they have deals sometimes, i got an 80gb harddrive for a kid in my garage for 79 bucks… it was a good deal for buying something in a store…

keep me posted - also, i can probably get you some free RAM and a free harddrive, just nothing as big as 80gb…

Ya i called bestl ie and they were outragous, they had a special two weeks ago the kid said:doh:

i do beleive it is 256MB to tell u the truth. I really don’t need 80 gigs to tell u the truth so if u could get ur hands on a 60 i would gladly pay u for that and the ram/work. Just keep me in mind and let me know.