Willyville crew, Lunch?

ok so is this on at the golf dome? i gotta go to adessa anyway and its on the way.

not gonna make it. slammed at work.

#1 Seriously, you know how big I am. Do you think I don’t know where to eat?
#II I only vouched for the rueben. I’ll go ahead an endorse the red pepper bisque and the helicopter. Other than that you’re on your own and I make no promises.
#C If we went to the Pizza Plant we might run into that DiNardo guy.

:tup: and :lol: at everyone who didn’t show… denton expensed the whole damn lunch :bloated:


Thanks for lunch. It was delicious, Lindsay and I appreciated it.

Nice meeting everyone, btw.

couldn’t make it had to throw a hub assembly in a eqinox so i headed to dibellas.

OH!!! I’m in the Willyville crew now!

where the fuck did you come from?


Zwarbyt is the lunch ninja.

Did you guys end up at golf dome or pizza plant?


William, call me next time you guys do this!

They gave me a corporate card :slight_smile:

where are you working dude?

Murphy’s? I walked thru at about 5 to 1 and didnt recognize anyone so i split damn.

You know me dumbass…we were sitting in the back…and don’t tell me you missed my red hair your not that old…

You were who i was lookin for. Maybe i need new glasses. next time

how about today anybody? I dont know where.I look like shit though my khakis are covered in dirt

I’m friggen hungry

I am downtown at the Arena :frowning: or else I would be in