Window Tint & Sunglass

ok i know i don’t post on here much, but since window tint is apart of automotive stuff i figured someone might know if this is possible.

For school i have a project and i need to TINT sunglass lens to change the optical color of the outside of the lens. Can window tint work?
Say i have a VR28 colored lens and i want to tint the outside of the lens a
different color say blue or red or green. Can this be achieved by using Window Tint? It doesn’t matter how dark it makes it so you can see out i just need the outside or the part others see to be pretty solid color and not see through.

Rainbow Glass And Tint FTW.

ok rainbow couldn’t help me, does anyone know where they sell red tint?

have you tried pepboys?

or, perhaps the internet?

Mr.Tint on transit road had red tint!!! finally i can do this.