Windows Vista....

ok guys i searched couldnt find what i want, i’m looking to download the skin so my xp looks like vista…anyone know where ican download the file? thanks in advance

im me (aim=ryanmcell) when i’m home (after 4). i have the skin on my laptop. but currently am at work.

sweet thanks man

/\ /\ bad link- downloads on that page don’t work, thanks anyways

Hmm, Mines did, Just have to do one more download to get it to work i thinki. But this is what I got so far:

i downloaded one off another right, all it changed was my clock and my icons- but i rebooted and now just the clock is different…i dunno

do you have window blinds? they have the skin on the website

what the hell is window blinds?

window blinds is a program that allows diff skins, sorry i didnt answer your im. i went to sleep early last night


it’s all good man

Bumping this.

We just installed the final release of Vista and Office 2007 on a fresh PC, just as a test mule. Very smooth and “pretty”, most things are semi-transparent, fading menus and dropdowns, etc. There is a lot more integration as far as AV and Vista firewall, spyware, and spam protection.

Also, Office 2007 is completely different, the menus are all new (no longer drop down), and it’s going to be a nightmare to train people to use this. I’m tempted to install all this at home; it seems stable enough so far, however with not one service patch out yet I think I’m going to wait.

Agreed on Office 07, I put off using it for awhile and just recently ~week and its definately different. No problems yet

Anywhere you can download this? or can someone email it to me?

Download it via torrents.

Can’t email is due to it being about 400mb’s… lol