Vista Build 5231 Pictures - 56k go DRM Yourself!!

We sampled this at work a month or 2 ago, wasn’t very impressed at all bc it was very sketchy. Maybe this later build has improved. I did like the see-thruness of the windows tho.

WOW!!! It looks like… Windows :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll wait til at least SP1 before I consider Vista.

that solutions to problems icon should be on the desktop and it should be very big, cause ull prolly end up using it more than any other icon

This is what Im using now… Its a theme pack/ .dll mod thing for windows. Its not just a theme, it really does change the OS.

^That looks so much like a mac it hurts

I know, haha. I actually have the start bar back now, though… its at the top of the screen, and I usually jsut ingore the object dock at the bottom.

Little redesign of the start menu in this shot…

aww, I forgot to include the start menu… maybe later. im too lazy to smash printscrn again.

The transparency effect looks nice. the words appear very crisp and easy to read. The icons look great. How does it FEEL? does it react quickly to your inputs, or chug away at an aweful pace? (read: is it a professional dancer or that ugly fat bitch that made you loose your lunch on the dance floor?) Is it possible to install a program you ran in XP (something taxing on your system preferably: maybe a new game?) and compare how each OS performs?

Oh and 98 Red Ex… shell replacements have been around forever. I was using one on win98 that included all the crap you are proud of displaying on your screen shot. Oh and they are SOOO customizable… if you cut your nuts off and spend weeks learning how to make it work…
I also had a similar desktop when I was running a linux drive like 4 years ago… whoopty freaking doo! look how cool I am! anyone want a copy of linux? didn’t think so. again, noone wants to cut off thier nuts and learn a new OS from the ground up. It IS far cleaner and quicker then Windows but having absolutely no production programs available for it kinda makes it worthless.
The new Windows OSs are the future weather you like it or not. instead of hearing about your shell I would like to hear about the OS that Rubicant is actually playing with and that this thread was actually started to show off.


Yay!! Someone actually gets it!!

i ran nix before you :stuck_out_tongue:
i have the penny pics to prove it

That’s just because you are older than dirt…

i invented the man that invented nix

edit: i take that back…

i invented man


i think im prolly gonna wait a while till i go for this vista build. Im not one for bells and whistles. I run win 2k on my desktop. If it wasnt for a few small things that are in xp i would be downgrading from xp to 2k on my laptop. I personally have run linux, u guys are right, im not down with learing the os, im lazy. Linux involves a lot of command line stuff that im just not into. All the style xp and object dock stuff is awesome to a certain point. I was at one time really into customizing my desktop and stuff, but now im function over form. oh well, maybe well into sp1 ill give this a shot.