i’ve been going for over 2 years on the same set of AC delco beam blades… $10 for the set… have yet to streak and wear. i do not keep my car clean either and they have yet to ever do me wrong rain,snow, or mud
can’t buy them anymore… they were a GM dealer only sold part and delco droped the line so i got a set that was just laying around when i still worked for saturn… if you can find any floating around walmart or an auto store, pick them up. they are money!
They were on the g20 for 3 years, 1 small streak on the passenger side is all they had, i think theyre still on the g20 too :rofl
Bocsh flex blades suck as they always seem to squeak
RainX isnt to bad, my dad and brother both have em on their trucks and they love em
but SilBlades ftw, and IDK what the deal is now, but when I bought mine they had a 4-5 year warrenty if they went bad or started to streak badly within that time you could get them exhanged
I use OEM Audi wipers on both my cars and they are by far the best blades that I have ever owned! They are made by Valeo and by the looks of it can be purchased for almost any car. Doesn’t look like there are many dealers of them though.
I have Valeo on my car. I’ve had them for about 2 years now and still no streaking (no winter use). Check out www.tirerack.com. They may still have them buy one get one free. They normally go for like $20 a blade (900 series)
lol. I had SilBlade at one point and they were probably the best ones I’ve had. I don’t think I’ve ever had any Valeo’s. I might go to SilBlade once more.