winmo 6.5 on a 6.1 device?

well i finally upgraded my 755p that ive had for like 2 years (the better part of 1 year with a cracked screen, so no touch screen :bloated:. i was forced to get a phone that would still work on the SERO plan (im not paying more than $50/ month for cell phone coverage f that noise)

out of my small amount of my choices i went with the treo palm pro. it sucks. honestly, i kind of hate it. i have so many gripes with the os, its retarded.

so, im wondering if anyone has personally upgraded their palm pro device (or a similar HTC device) from winmo6.1 pro to winmo 6.5. honestly, i’ll be hard pressed to find anyone that even owns one of these piles. but like i said, it was cheap, my cell plan is really cheap, so looks like im stuck for now.

any suggestions before i use this thing as a frisbee?

It’s not all that similar but I have a touch pro running wm 6.5. It’s faster, easier to use and more reliable. You just have to find the right rom because a fully loaded 6.5 will destroy the battery life of a 6.1 phone. It’s not designed for it obviously so there’s less memory I guess, so look for a “light” 6.5.

jam i have an htc tp2 and im running a 6.5 rom on this 6.1 phone. however they just updated the tp2 to run 6.5 stock but my usb port on my phone is fucking broke so im stuck with this rom which isnt terrible but bottom line is my phone is broke and im just too lazy right now to pay the $100 deductable for insurance to get a new phone.

flash back to stock using your sd card silly.

you cant relock via SD card from what ive read so then if i try and return it to claim hardware failure they will realize that ive fucked with it and prob have to pay the $100 anyway

tried to uncheck settings>connections>usb to pc> enable faster dana sync?

^ haha… loling at the knowledge you’ve been forced to gain.