New HTC Touch Pro ROM *Techie Content*

I was searching xda-developers for a new ROM to flash on my AT&T Touch Pro/Fuze and found this :excited

I didn’t even know they came out with Windows Mobile 6.5 yet :lol

I flashed it on my phone and (no joke) the phone is twice as fast. Usually with Windows there is lag opening programs, messages ect. But this ROM is probably the smoothest, fastest I’ve seen. Just as smooth as some iPhones I’ve used. It’s like a whole new phone to me, I highly recommend it if you have a Touch Pro.
And some screen shots:

downloading STAT. which version did you get? the standard one i assume?

Yeah standard is the loaded version

is there a version of HARD SPL unlocker for our phones? I haven’t flashed this one yet…

got it nevermind! lol

Oh shit, 6.5?! Maybe I’ll start selling Windows Mobile again. If they made decent speed/lag improvements, that’s awesome.

Woah woah woah pal…

Dont bring iPhone OS in the same catagory as that windows mobile POS you got their…


Oh I did, Apple can go fuck themselves :lol

dont hate cause you dont have a fuckin iphone negro

It would of been cheaper for me to buy an iPhone, if I wanted one I’d buy one.

I know you like the physical keyboard and whanto

its cool I like the HTC pro when it works right :excited


oh shit oh shit oh shit… Hard SPL’d downloaded and flashed new rom… fucking endless reboots FML! oh noes!

WAT? Endless reboots?

yea man. new rom won’t boot for shit. playing with the page pool size naow.

Slow to boot? Do a hard reset.

no it wouldn’t boot at all… i got it though, must’ve been a corrupt rom file.

Ahhh, we’ll after you flash the rom, hard reset anyway.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick rom kid. good looking out.

Thanks dude