HTC Touch Pro

Just got mine two days ago and its awesome. Who knows what good apps or programs are out for it? I’m still getting use to it so any hints or tips would be appreciated.

Post what you like and don’t like after a few days. Touch Pro is one of my choices for a company phone and I really like everything it has on paper.

i love it so far… its my first windows mobile phone, so im still getting use to it… it gets laggy every once and awhile but so far i dont have any real complaints

The lag could be from the phone multi-tasking. Remember, depending on your settings WM phones will keep applications open untill you kill them.

Cool apps:

Free Downloads:
Yahoo Go
Google Maps
DivX - for playing movies

All other apps can be d/l’d through a bit torrent.

Get yourself a 4GB+ memory card and get some movies to watch on Divx mobile.

There is an HTC forum that is a good resource…can’t remember the name right now.
Also, the navigation is worth the $10.

Yeah, on my WM treo, I have the “Space Reclaimer” software that dumps IE cache and temp files and shuts off all applications. Very useful in keeping junk off the phone and making sure you only run one program at a time. When I forget to run it for whatever reason, the phone boggs down big time.

I’ve had my TP since opening weekend. Love it. Also had it’s predecessor the 6800 and a Treo 700wx. All windows mobile. The TP fixes every little complaint I’ve had about any other windows mobile phone.

It’s great in stock trim, but the things that you can do with it once you check out the two sites listed above will take it to an entirely new level. Have fun, and kiss your free time goodbye once you get into it.

how do people get so into cell phones? The most I ever did to a phone was on my treo and all I did was install Mike Tyson’s Punchout and a NES emulator.

haha i was downloading apps last night and my gf was over… she was starting to get pissed at me… i downloaded a youtube app which worked once but when i went to open it again it gets an error…

my sprint version has a youtube app stock. works amazing. looks like you’re watching a mini HDTV.

i reinstalled that youtube app again last night, seems to be working good now

well i love the phone still but my paint is already starting to come off the top of my phone… darkstar do you use a case or anything for it? kinda pisses me off… i take great care of it and its already starting to look like ive had it for a year…

Fuck no it goes in the pocket. Mine is still in fairly good shape. I don’t know how it is with Verizon, but with sprint if you break the screen they have to give you a new one for free, so whenever mine got bad I’d just backup everything onto my PC, smash it with a hammer and go get a brand new one.

the stock ROM lags real bad. Get an OS from XDA, it runs MUCH faster.

i have the touch pro and i hate it…to small built cheep this is my 2nd replacment…

grant it, it works great…but its built very cheep…compared to my 6800 which was like a brick…

i dont really like it and sprint wont let me trade it in for anything differnt unless i pay more $$$

yeah i agree my touch is kinda cheapy feeling, BUT it does work awesome and is a wonder in terms of capability, thumbs up

only real thing i hate is the battery sucks ass seems to drain pretty quick

Really? I think my TP is built far more solid than my 6800. :dunno:

also lol @ anyone still on the stock ROM.

are there easier ways of putting a different rom on there? i was looking into it and it seems rather complicated…

yeah the battery does go down fast if you use alot of apps or talk alot, but there are some crazy extended ones on ebay i been thinking about getting