winner of pinks stickers


think it be a cool idea if we design a nice sticker winder of pics date mir and shop names

and give it to our sponsers and main crew…limited edition

we all can run on our cars.

dunno make it into a tee shirt and then have all the shop names on the back like a concert tee…

i know we all cove rthe cost of our own shirts

i would def like to rock a t-shirt see what it would cost but i would def be interested

sounds like a good idea to me! we have a lot of designing to do!

me belly flooping the hood:D

hahaha… I should have my computer setup at the new house tonight, hopefully I can start on this editing. I just want to get that on the net ASAP!

yes for sure a decal and a shirt


whoa since when did you start designing…

yeah def. sound slike a cool thing exclusive shirts and decals would def be even cooler

get real son… almost every t shirt was my idea! i practically have to tell you the layout of each biz card…


sorry was bored… put it in your sig

guess this isnt going anywhere

if it does please no grafitti fonts

well what ideas do you have?

sounds like a good idea to me! we have a lot of designing to do!

shop names

winner of pinks

i dunno make it look like a damn pabst blue ribbon for all i care…i just suggested not to use grafitti fonts…if starboy dont want to do it im sure aj hays can whip something up

hell it could be just as easy banner
winner of pinks date
then shop names listed below

like power tour stickers

nothing is done because i don’t think starboy really knew he needed to design something and I had no ideas. that and my request for more hours to be added to the day has not gone through yet. if they add two more hours life would be alot easier


it will get done… I did not know there was a timeline on this. Do we even have an air date yet? What were your plans for these stickers? Did you want them more like decals or vinyl cut? 1 color? 2 color? Who is fronting the money to get them made? are we selling them or are they free?

please take a look in the first post i made adressed to you and starboy,

the syle and color would be decied after the desingn is done…

but like i said nevermind