1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative)
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends

ooooooo 3 sexy hunnys :wink:

  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative)
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ---------------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends
  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)-----------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative)
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)-------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon--------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative)
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ---------------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends

list got a little out of touch… this should be up to date.

  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)-------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon--------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) ------------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ---------------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends

CRAP!!! Sorry guys, can’t make it to this meet :frowning: i’m going up north to my friends cottage and won’t be back until Sunday Night!!

I’ll come out another time…SORRY!! TAKE LOTS OF PICS!!!

  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)-------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy
  10. SDragon--------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) ------------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ---------------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends
  32. ronnie416 ---------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though

hey guys…

i hope that certain people are coming to pick up the items that i have for them.


i also will have the spin knobs with me and i can bring an SR downpipe is someone wants one.

I’ll be there :slight_smile: Bring Theo for me too :smiley:


  1. Toronto240sx ---------------- IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 ----------------IN
  3. spd-dmn ---------------------- IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ---------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ----------------------- IN
  8. Silvia_Drift(tentative)-------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only------------------- IN w/ Altima_boy-- IN Oh hellz Yea!
  10. SDragon--------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) ------------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero --------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo) (you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx------------IN+1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)… IN +1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------IN + heatW
  18. Bing - hell yeah negro
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ---------------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta -------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles ------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
    27.essej---- in
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ---------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. MissModel =========> + 2 of my girls
  31. S14_2Nv ------------IN + 2 friends
  32. ronnie416 ---------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though

Sorry to do this… but the list got kinda mangled… updated list:

  1. Toronto240sx --------------------------------------------IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 -------------------------------------------IN
  3. spd-dmn --------------------------------------------------IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ------------------------------------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------IN
  8. Silvia_Drift------------------------------------------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only-----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (Altima_boy)Oh hellz Yea!
  10. SDragon-------------------------------------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------------------------------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) --------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero ------------------------------------------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo)------------------------------------------(you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx---------------------------------------IN + 1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)----------------------------- IN + 1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (heatW)
  18. Bing -----------------------------hell yeah negro------IN
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ----------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta ---------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles -----------------------------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ------------------------------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad---------------------------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. S14_2Nv -----------------------------------------------IN + 2 friends
  31. ronnie416 ----------------------------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though
  1. Toronto240sx --------------------------------------------IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 -------------------------------------------IN
  3. spd-dmn --------------------------------------------------IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ------------------------------------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------IN
  8. Silvia_Drift------------------------------------------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only-----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (Altima_boy)Oh hellz Yea!
  10. SDragon-------------------------------------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------------------------------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) --------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero ------------------------------------------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo)------------------------------------------(you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx---------------------------------------IN + 1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)----------------------------- IN + 1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (heatW)
  18. Bing -----------------------------hell yeah negro------IN
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex
  21. mms ----------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta ---------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles -----------------------------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ------------------------------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad---------------------------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. S14_2Nv -----------------------------------------------IN + 2 friends
  31. ronnie416 ----------------------------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though
  32. Theo23--------------------------------------------------IN
  1. Toronto240sx --------------------------------------------IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 -------------------------------------------IN
  3. spd-dmn --------------------------------------------------IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ------------------------------------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------IN
  8. Silvia_Drift------------------------------------------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only-----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (Altima_boy)Oh hellz Yea!
  10. SDragon-------------------------------------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------------------------------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) --------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero ------------------------------------------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo)------------------------------------------(you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx---------------------------------------IN + 1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)----------------------------- IN + 1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (heatW)
  18. Bing -----------------------------hell yeah negro------IN
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex -----------------------------------------------------IN
  21. mms ----------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta ---------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles -----------------------------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ------------------------------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad---------------------------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. S14_2Nv -----------------------------------------------IN + 2 friends
  31. ronnie416 ----------------------------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though
  32. Theo23--------------------------------------------------IN

:blue: Hey guys! It looks like we are going to have a good turn out tomorrow, I also had about 6 or 7 other people from SON that PM’d me and told me they might be coming but they just didn’t want to put their name on the list because they are not 100% sure they will make it. So I guess we can expect a good turn out.

I just want to give a BIG THANKS to all those who are coming out to this meet and a special Thank you to all those that make the time to come to our meets. I think as a club it is very important that we have meets that way we can all get to know each other by names and faces, we share our thoughts and ideas about our cars and we get to see each others cars (only in this case because it’s winter, only about half of us are actually bringing our cars). Overall meets keep us united as a club and it also reminds people that this club doesn’t just exist here on the net but we are a real live 240sx club with real people and real cars.

See you all there tomorrow at 2:00 pm. www.formulakartways.com

And thanks again to everyone who is participating and making this meet happen. :smiley:

Best regards

John S.

  1. Toronto240sx --------------------------------------------IN + 1
  2. got_boost_S13 -------------------------------------------IN
  3. spd-dmn --------------------------------------------------IN
  4. Ed + friends (tentative)
  5. S14 Silvia ------------------------------------------------IN
  6. brocoli and a buddy or 2
  7. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------IN
  8. Silvia_Drift------------------------------------------------IN + 1
  9. Nismo_Only-----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (Altima_boy)Oh hellz Yea!
  10. SDragon-------------------------------------------------IN
  11. JJM_240sx --------------------------------------------- Coming for a bit but not gokarting.
  12. SHIFT_SR20DET (tentative) --------------------------Coming at 6pm…
  13. Bero ------------------------------------------------------IIIIIIIINNNN LIKE IM IN YOUR MOM
  14. Sasha (Turbo)------------------------------------------(you KNOWWWWwwwwwww - probobly will bring ginos)
  15. Drift_ready180sx---------------------------------------IN + 1
  16. Two4tChaz(with a friend)----------------------------- IN + 1
  17. S14_240sx----------------------------------------------IN + 1 (heatW)
  18. Bing -----------------------------hell yeah negro------IN
  19. Canadiandrifter240sx
  20. Alex -----------------------------------------------------IN
  21. mms ----------------------------------------------------IN
  22. syd_mysta ---------------------------------------------IN
  23. krazykoncepts (tentative)
  24. Scribbles -----------------------------------------------IN
  25. jcs13_90
  26. Brandon, probably bring a friend or two
  27. Darian + Hector(&girl, maybe 2)
  28. Dip ------------------------------------------------------IN
  29. Gonad---------------------------------------------------INsane in the membrane
  30. S14_2Nv -----------------------------------------------IN + 2 friends
  31. ronnie416 ----------------------------------------------Definitely coming for a bit, may not kart though
  32. Theo23--------------------------------------------------IN
  33. MissModel =========================>> Just there to watch :slight_smile:

Hey John, just wondering about the membership cards.

When I started going there, I had to get a membership card for $5. Do people have to get this?

Just curious.

See you all tomorrow.

sorry, doesn’t look like I’m able to make it now. Some new family obligations came about last min. Sucks cuz I wanted to meet all of you, and partake in the bounty of bings stockpile of candy. oh well next time for sure.

sorry guys.

oh it will be bountiful…


i will also trade a case of candy to whomever wants to pay for my lap time…lol

Mmmm… He said, Lap time.

I want some of that shit!!!