Winter Storm Warning now oo0o0o0o0

I hear that

hudson valley drivers FOR THE MOTHER FUCKING LOSS

they totaled my vr6 jetta cause he couldnt watch where he was goin:bh:

Fuck If I stil had the si I would play bumper cars

yea if i were pete i would be bumpin every oen of them bastards in the gray ghost

HVCC has THE dumbest mother fuckers around. Its like a zoo watching people flinging shit at eachother all day…rediculous.

So what we all doin tomorrow then? lol

goin drifitng?:open_mouth:

Dude its so much fun…I should buy that Samurai and fucking own retards

Im down for some drift action tomorrow!

I’m game…fuck I think I shall not go to work if it is snowing badly

You work on tues?

Im goin to school… maybe they’ll total my car so I can get something RWD. FWD ftl.

Wednesday they want me to work

:frowning: i want snow now.

it best start snowing asap!!! im gettin tired and i dont wanna go to school tomorrow…i need a monster java


fucking russell sage is already closed:bh:

Wtf I better check hvcc

They were closed since like 4pm this evening lol

mmmmmmmm monster java

Ha ha that is so gay

i had to look 2 see if sccc was closed so i check all the news channels