Winter Storm Warning now oo0o0o0o0

buncha bulll SHIT

Fuck salt

fuck yo couch…
ps i just farted

Salt ftw. my honda loves it

My honda may too…ask the kid that bought it

fuck salt is right, i freaking cant get my car dyno’d because of SALTY roads.

ill be getting it in GD march.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Amen brotha.

The thruway (exit 25-24) and northway (exit 1-9) suck. I just got to work and the roads arent really plowed and its just a mess.
Somehow 18 wheelers still manage to do 80 though.

Im leavin for work in a few min, but I only have about a 7 mile commute so its not too bad.

just over an inch on the ground by 7:30ish. Everyone is freaking out of this “storm”. Half my department has called in already. What a bunch of sissy girls.

I hate this freaking weather as does my car. It wont move half the time in this shit…:mad:

whos up for urban snow boarding tonight ???

like being towed behind cars?


Im down for some serious drift action. Mohon ftmfw

why is it that everyone goes to Mohon? is it just close to y’all or does it have a super large parking lot?

Well i live in Colonie, We all just go over there because it’s a pretty good size parking lot with a ton of different areas.

fuckinghell, I hope I get called off of work so I can tag along

snow drifting ftw … just not in the Si it sucks at life