Winter Storm Warning now oo0o0o0o0

whatever , haha. When u goin over there? now?

Umm let me see

On may home from Clifton Park

another… (if you look carefully, you can see my shift sticker)

holy shit thats me

who carries a camera with them?

The vids were taken with my iPhone

Ahhh they came out decent


hmm, i’ve got an i phone, how do you take video’s? is it after the latest update, cause i haven’t gotten around to updating yet.

you will have to Jailbreak it and then install the Video Recorder program…

:rofl Ya big bully!

Wooot adam go do your work so we can haz drifting

I have SOOOO much to do, been putting shit off for too long lol. Oh wellz

Do it

Drivers actually weren’t too bad at 330. I got to work on time too. Only jackoff I had to pass was this asshat in a teal Toyota Tercel doing 25mph on route 9. Turning onto Maxwell Rd. some guy in a Ram was in front of me and must have seen me blowin it sideways behind him because he started throwing his truck sideways and waving his hands out the window, it was pretty funny.

Ha ha that is pretty good

I finally fixed my stupid ass e-brake, turns out the braket underneath my console came unseated so it was only pulling on one of the rear calipers. I put that bitch back in place and tightened up the cable a bit, now I barely have to pull it to make the brake work. I pulled my ABS fuse too so I can actually stop now in the snow. Whats nice is I can tap the brakes while turning and the ass end will kick right out, perfect for dorifto action!!

Ha ha you are gonna wreck it

I saw that Jeep and the Saturn too. The Saturn was still in the ditch when I drove by.

I saw 5 cars off the road on my way home and 4 of them were awd or 4wd.

Nah son, GM’s ABS is absolute bullshit when it comes to driving in the snow. I can be going 30mph and slam on the brakes and the car will just keep moving forward with little braking power applied. It’s terrible.