Winter Storm Warning now oo0o0o0o0

wow I officially HATE winter , coming home I got stuck in a snow bank in my driveway, and I mean STUCK and neighbors looked on as I struggled by myself trying to get it out, took me a hours worth of pushing the car ( by myself while other MEN watched a female do this ) and rocking it between 1st and reverse and putting salt and sand under my tires, then pushing more to finally getting it unstuck and in the garage, I cannot believe not one guy out of the 4 that were watching didnt even offer to help, scumbags, im so pissed right now and exhausted and in pain, I think sprained my ankle and pulled a couple muscles in my back, heres a pic of my driveway after I got done with it…my arms feel like jello right now I can barely even type, work should be a blast tomarrow. oh and did I mention I cant walk, i might have torn my acl in my knee, prolly goin to the hospital. my whole leg is getting tingly, cant be good…


my car got stuck on the left side of the pic, where its all black
^^ mind u before this it was nice and pretty…now looks like my car had a serious fight with the driveway:squint

Same on my car. I took the fuse out in the fall :rofl

Tricia you need a simple pair of snow tires lol… summer tires in snow FTL!

I dont have summer tires on it anymore, I do have winter tires.

Ive got kinda bald tires on my car and didnt get stuck that bad anywhere. I even drove thru an unplowed parking lot at work.

Not to be an ass but did you actually try asking them for help though?
And yeah, all-seasons are your ticket.

yes I did say " is anyone gonna help" and got ignored twice, and I have wicked good winter tires, my drive way has a slight hill, and it was covered in 6 inches of snow and then ice.

Sounds like a bunch of lazy asshats.
For situations like this it helps to have a couple pieces of 2x4 that you can shove under the tires and roll back to get some traction that way. But sometimes you have to just brute force it. Hey, props for getting it out by yourself.

thanks :happy:, anyone know what might cause the knee pain ? its only right above my left knee, and its sharp pain and gets worse if I stand on it or put any of my weight on it, Im really worried, cause I wont be able to drive like this, cause its the leg I use to push in the clutch

What kind of winter tires are they? I made it up my bro’s friends driveway which is a pretty steep incline in about 6" of snow and ice with minimal slippage.

A small shovel might help… I’ve been in a similar situation and was able to dig under the rear tires to get some kind of traction… Sucks that these guys didn’t help you though. At least you are home…

Are they dedicated snow tires or just “all seasons”

I would have just ripped my floor mats out and jammed them underneath my tires for traction with the rubber side facing up… hey whatever you gotta do lol

ya I had a shovel, but the way that my car was stuck in the snow I couldnt get to the right front tire at all, it was buried in the snowbank, and most of the snowbank was ice, so it was useless, I tried everything, now I am in so much pain I wish I had never of tried to get it unstuck.

ya they are winter tires, blizzak’s

What the hell, are they bald or something? The only time my Blizzaks failed me was when I bottomed my car out in the woods in like 3 feet of snow :rofl

they just got put on yesterday.

Weather like this makes me want a truck with a plow. I definately want a plow when I get a truck. Easy money.

Thats really weird lol

It’s snowing right now!

Yeah I just looked out and saw it a few minutes ago. WTF? I didnt see that coming.

Figures that I spent about 45 minutes scraping ice off the driveway after work today.