Wireless speaker wire?

Our CEO recently decided that he wants the audio from the computer that is in our main conference room to go through the stereo system that is integrated into the room. Basically the computer is in one corner because that’s where they decided to run the video feed for the projector and the network drop for the computer/phone. The stereo that feeds the in-ceiling speakers is on the opposite side of the room. I need to get the audio from the PC to the receiver on the opposite side of the room. My first thought was to just run audio cables for it but I have been told that they do not want to run any wires for it. So I’m stuck looking for some kind of wireless solution. I have found this from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Speaker-Amplifier-Surround-Speakers/dp/B000HKGUZ2/ref=sr_1_1/103-7719869-8753446?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1202217224&sr=1-1

Anyone have any better ideas than this?

Crude diagram attached.

when it comes to conference rooms these guys are the best, ask for Gary Krause

They did one of our conference rooms as well. And i believe Gary just sold me a JBL speaker for presentations that we do here from time to time.

obviously they’re not looking to spend professional money based on the HORRIBLE layout.

if you’re going for ghetto, then just run wires. but if you’re going to spend some money then just rethink the whole room and do it correctly.

yea word… just wire them…

I suggest using: http://www.pearcable.com/sub_products_anjou_sc.htm

yea thats easy, just re-model the whole thing, tear every wall down. No problem, I know “a guy”


lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HERE WE GO!

Seriously… the boss will love the sound quality… Those wires alone will blow minds… and suck your dick if you ask them to

Holy crap!

[LEFT]3 foot pair - $2750

8 foot pair - $5250

12 foot pair - $7250[/LEFT]

he works for the same company

toshiba = avsolutions as well


dude srsly… worth every penny… amazing shit

or for somebody with common sense just move the stereo to the front of the room by the PC. Yes I know you have this in wall system… just ignore it and get a couple cheap speakers and a receiver and set them up at the front by the projector / PC

also, he’s looking for interconnects, not speaker wire.

Thanks for the responses, I think.

I wasn’t involved in the decisions for the layout in this room. The decisions were made by our CFO who consulted NOBODY in IT. Had I or someone from IT been involved, it would have been done properly from the beginning.

sounds about right… if you don’t like you job then ask your CFO why he did something so stupid.

Who said anything about me not liking my job? Try being an ass elsewhere.

wireless FM modulator?

Anyone else immediately start humming/whistling the Super Mario Bros. theme as soon as the saw this?

nah was too annoyed by the rest of the post

What kind of inputs does the stereo have?

And your boss seriously wants you to connect something but won’t let you run cables? We need to hang out. I’ve always wanted to meet Dilbert in person. :slight_smile: