WNY Boaters / Boating Get In Here

Niawanda Park Season Permit :tup:

And as a Jetskier I am almost as ashamed as being a Civic Owner around here. WTF is wrong with people in the river. I NEVER take mine out in the river for one reason. People around here are stupider than shit. And as a boater I agree 100% about Isle View.

ATTN Buffalo River Jetskiers: Wow! Doing 360 degree spins are SOOO hard (as a seven year old maybe), we are all impressed. Tailgating boats and hitting their wakes is also so amazing. You got like 2 feet of air! WOW! I hope a Newman’s boss’s 50 footer hits you. ///rant

EDIT_ and just because you drive something 1/4 of the size doesn’t mean you can go 4x the limit in no wake zones.